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11 cbse notes class 12 cbse notes cbse revision notes cbse class 9 revision notes cbse class 10 revision notes cbse class 11 revision notes cbse class 12 revision notes cbse extra questions cbse class 8 maths extra questions cbse class 8 science extra questions cbse class 9 maths extra ...
the learning app. frequently asked questions – faqs q1 what is mode in statistics? a mode, in statistics, is defined as the value that has higher frequency in a given set of values. it is the value that appears the most number of times. q2 how to find mode for given set of values...
Many students wonder whether or not to guess the answers to the multiple-choice questions about which they are not certain. It is improbable that mere guessing will improve a score. However, if a student has some knowledge of the question and is able to eliminate one or more answer choices...
The first of these is to assist us in designing experiments and surveys. We desire our experiment to yield adequate answers to the questions that prompted the experiment or survey. We would like the answers to have good preci- sion without involving a lot of expenditure. Statistically designed ...
The study of statistics can help you make reasonable guesses about the answers to these questions. 19 Inferential Statistics by Mikki Hebl Prerequisites • Chapter 1: Descriptive Statistics Learning Objectives 1. Distinguish between a sample and a population 2. Define inferential statistics 3. ...
In contrast, it also must be acknowledged that for some questions, a p value marginally greater than 0.05 can be considered sufficient assurance that rejecting the H0 should not result in harm. However, such an allowance usually is viewed with skepticism and should be justified thoroughly by the...
Time:1hourand30minutes Numberofquestions:40 Percentoftotalgrade:50 Directions:Usetheanswersheetprovidedonthepreviouspage.Allquestionsaregivenequalweight.Thereisnopenalty forunansweredquestions,but1 ⁄4ofthenumberofincorrectanswerswillbesubtractedfromthenumberofcorrect answers.Theuseofacalculatorispermittedinallpart...
the more the value of variance, the data is more scattered from its mean and if the value of variance is low or minimum, then it is less scattered from mean. therefore, it is called a measure of spread of data from mean. for the purpose of solving questions, the formula for variance...
frequently asked questions on mean and median q1 what is the difference between mean and median? mean is the average value of set of given data and median is the middle value when the data set is arranged in an order either ascending or descending. q2 how to find mean and median? mean ...