In addition to those more behavioral symptoms, loved ones can look for the physical symptoms of drug intoxication and withdrawal. Given the complexity of those symptoms and how much they depend upon the specific drug being abused, loves ones are advised to have their family member evaluated medic...
site offers information on how to seek therapy or treatment for teens and families who are suffering from teen violence issues or abuse. By learning about the causes of teen violence and what each of us can do to help prevent this type of abuse we can help our communities be a safer ...
Elderly women are more likely to suffer from abuse than men, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA). At least 1 out of 10 adults over the age of 65 suffers from at least one type of abuse each year, according to the U.S....
Here are some sexual abuse statistics from the CDC (Center for Disease Control): 20 people are victims of physical violence by an intimate partner every minute in the US. 1 in 2 women (50%) are sexually abused in their lifetime. 1 in 5 men (20%) are sexually abused in their life...
Announces the availability of the book `Selected Facts on U.S. Women's Health,' from Commonwealth Fund Commission on Women's Health.EBSCO_AspAlcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly
Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic Diseases U.S. states with highest rates of obesity among women 2022 Diseases U.S. number of cancer deaths among women 2009 and 2024 Mental Health & Substance Abuse Female suicide death rates in the U.S. 1950-2021...
counseling. If she decides to report the crime to the police, ask whether she would like you to go with her. Let her know that she can get help. Let her know about the hotlines to call to talk to someone. Get more tips on helping someone who has been sexually assaulted or abused....
Child sexual abuse is any act or attempt at engaging a minor in a sexual act or any action towards a child that is sexual in nature. Explore the definition, effects, and prevention of child sexual abuse, and discover the statistics on its prevalence. ...
Two out of 3elder abuse victims are women. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, elder abuse complaints include the following percentages: 27.4% – Physical abuse 22.1% – Resident-on-resident abuse (physical or sexual)
One in five women are sexually assaulted while at college. 90% of college rape victims never report the crime. More than 63% of men on campus, who admitted to rape, said they had raped more than once. Sexual abuse affects almost half of all multiracial women.Male...