Elderly women are more likely to suffer from abuse than men, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA). At least 1 out of 10 adults over the age of 65 suffers from at least one type of abuse each year, according to the U.S....
Here are some sexual abuse statistics from the CDC (Center for Disease Control): 20 people are victims of physical violence by an intimate partner every minute in the US. 1 in 2 women (50%) are sexually abused in their lifetime. 1 in 5 men (20%) are sexually abused in their life...
In addition to those more behavioral symptoms, loved ones can look for the physical symptoms of drug intoxication and withdrawal. Given the complexity of those symptoms and how much they depend upon the specific drug being abused, loves ones are advised to have their family member evaluated medic...
Sexually Abused Women in the U.S.By now everyone is aware of the #MeToo movement and news of sexual abuse and harassment is in the news daily with new victims coming out of the woodwork to report on their attackers. From Hollywood producers to massage therapists and blue-collar workers, ...
counseling. If she decides to report the crime to the police, ask whether she would like you to go with her. Let her know that she can get help. Let her know about the hotlines to call to talk to someone. Get more tips on helping someone who has been sexually assaulted or abused....
The JAMA effect plus news media echo chamber: More misleading publicity on that problematic claim that lesbians and bisexual women die sooner than straight women (15 comments) Heroes and Villains: The Effects of Identification Strategies on Strong Causal Claims in France (15 comments) Present Each ...
Two out of 3elder abuse victims are women. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, elder abuse complaints include the following percentages: 27.4% – Physical abuse 22.1% – Resident-on-resident abuse (physical or sexual)
Close to home, news these past few weeks has been short on happy endings. For one thing, the Monolith was not shortlisted as a Union Terrace Garden design. But looking through recent news items, I conclude this is no country for old men. Or old women, women, people with special abilitie...
Sexual Abuse StatisticsSexual abuse statistics were extremely difficult to obtain until the 1970s when women began to talk about their childhood experiences. Since that time, women in staggering numbers have sought help to deal with their childhood sexual abuse horrors. Men are only beginning to ...
“Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala recently declared that ‘between 1986 and 1993, the number of children who were physically abused nearly doubled.’ She based this claim on an increased number of reports of child abuse. But do more reports clearly show that conditions ar...