school as well as on the way to and from school. Data for crime away from school are also presented to place school crime in the context of crime in the larger society. The report provides the most current detailed statistical information to inform the Nation on the nature of crime in ...
Department of Sociology, Charles University Prague, Prague 1, Czech RepublicSpringer NetherlandsEuropean Journal on Criminal Policy and ResearchEnzmann, D., & Podana, Z. (2010). Official crime statistics and survey data: Comparing trends of youth violence between 2000 and 2006 in cities of the ...
aWe need to work hard to reduce the statistics. We as a nation need to step up and be an international leader in the fight against drug abuse amongst our youth. My suggestion is, since we are spending $50 million a year fighting crime, perhaps it would he a great idea to budget a ...
Politicians and their media poodles keep screaming and shouting like a bunch of schoolgirls about economic recovery. But in spite of all the fraudulent statisical data flying around, people sense economies are stagnant, jobless figures need more and more
The most egregious of these infographics – present in the “lobby day kit” – shows the price of milk in Australia (1.55 CAD), Canada (1.45 CAD) and New Zealand (1.65 CAD). They are seemingly using 2014 prices. First of all, they use data that conflicts massively with the reports of...
News and analysis of the North Korean economyArchive for the ‘Statistics’ Category « Older Entries North Korean market prices suggest serious food shortages Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 By: Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein Recently, the BBC became one of few global outlets to succeed in interviewing...
Chanen, David