teens who contemplate or carry out a suicide attempt have a mental health disorder of some sort. In fact, about 90% of teens who commit suicide are dealing with a mental health challenge. Most teens do not spend a long time planning suicide. It often will occur after an event or circumst...
As with mostmental healthdisorders, depression inteensdoes not have one single definitive cause. Rather, people with this illness tend to have a number of biological, psychological, and environmental risk factors that contribute to its development. Neurotransmitters:Biologically, depression is associated ...
Marijuana Use in Teens: How Many Teens Use Marijuana? 10.1% or 2.5 million American teens between 12 and 17 years old use marijuana illicitly, says the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) 2020 survey [31]. The 2021 report published on the National Institute on...
While an overarching study of stressed out teens has yet to be compiled, it is easy to estimate that most every teen in the United States has felt some sort of stress, and many are stressed out. And as an indication of the overlooked nature of teen stress it is estimated that around 10...
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Here are just a few of the many dangerous effects of drug use in adolescents: Drugs of any kind decrease teens' ability to pay attention. The younger a person is when they begin using drugs the more likely they are to develop a substance-abuse problem and the more likely they are to re...
Don’t assume that your child is “okay” once he’s in treatment and making progress. As with treatment for any habitual behavior, setbacks are not uncommon. Some teens report cutting episodes even after a year of therapy, although episodes typically become less and less frequent the longer ...
Young Swiss women and girls were hospitalized at an "unprecedented" rate last year for mental health issues, the national statistics office said Monday, indicating the pandemic took a particularly heavy toll on this group.
Many children and teenagers struggle with eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Eating disorders in children and teens can stem from a variety of issues, including body image and peer pressure. In America, statistics on the current prevalence of eating disorders in teens, adolescents and child...
Learn what an at-risk youth is. Understand what at-risk means and see the factors that can lead to children and teens becoming at-risk.