Here’s another example. It is entirely correct to point out that the number of people killed in worldwide airplane accidents in 2018 (556people) wasmuchhigher than the year before (44people) and the year before that (325people). Would one be excused for believing that air travel is getti...
[Ca07] Paul Cairns. 2007. HCI… not as it should be: inferential statistics in HCI research. In Proceedings of the 21st British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: HCI…but not as we know it – Volume 1 (BCS-HCI ’07), Vol. 1. British Computer Society, Swinton, UK...
Lets look at the statistics. I looked at this some years ago and found these excellent charts from one of the studies by Rumbaut. It is statistics that show that 3% of the US population between 18 and 39 was incarcerated in 2000. 3.5% of the U.S. born population and 0.86% of the f...