75% of all divorced people re-marry, half of them within three years. 65% of all second marriages fail. 80% of divorced men and 75% of women remarry whether or not they have children, most within 3 years. ONE in TWELVE couples will be heading for a divorce court after 24 months -...
Wheeler escaped the trafficking ring when his parentsdivorced, and he, his mother, and his siblings moved to a different state. He’s not sure his mother ever learned what he had gone through. Why Didn’t He Report the Abuse? In both his own case and in the case of many hundreds...
Child support legally belongs to the children and is to be used for food, shelter, and clothing. Medical expenses are shared proportionate to income of each parent. Child support is also to be used for other expenses for the children which can include school supplies, after-health insurance co...
Sexual Assault Statistics: On a worldwide level, 15 million girls aged between 15 years to 19 years experienced forced sex or rape
47.7% of cheaters admitted it to their partners within a week3 40% of adults who have cheated are now divorced vs 17% of those who never cheated1 Introduction Infidelity in relationships is a common and complex problem that has been around for centuries. Even though non-monogamous relationships...
2. 31% of Children Whose Parents Had Divorced Have a Higher Risk of Dropping Out of School Children with divorced parents face a 31% dropout risk, while those born to unwed couples have a rate of 37%. These figures underscore difficulties that students from nontraditional households may confron...
73. In addition, children of divorce are 50 percent more likely to marry another child of divorce. 74. Certain studies have shown that daughters of divorced parents have a 60 percent higher divorce rate in marriages than children of non-divorced parents while sons have a 35 percent higher rat...
Couples who have premarital counseling are less likely to get divorced; and surprisingly, the more money and education a woman has, the higher the likelihood of divorce. 80% of divorced men and 75% of divorced women are likely to remarry regardless of whether there are children in the home...
Census Bureau, out of about 10 million single parent families with children under the age of 18, more than 70 percent were headed by single mothers. 3 A third lived in poverty.DemographicMore than half (52.1%) of single mothers have never married, almost a third (28.0%) are divorced. ...
Why Do Some Couples Wish They Hadn’t Got Divorced? Among the reasons that most often make spouses regret their decision to divorce are: feelings of loneliness; renewed love; the negative impact on children; financial problems, etc. The reasons for men and women differ. ...