Recommended statistics Overview Violent Crime Property Crime Crime Clearance & ArrestsKey insights Oakland is the U.S. city with highest violent crime rate per 100,000 residents Detroit-Livonia-Dearborn (MI) is least peaceful metropolitan area Most frequently committed crime in metropolitan areas ...
total Crime Index 1 (100 is safest) Popular Neighborhoods in Cleveland Edgewater Ohio City University Circle / Case Western Reserve University Kamm's Corners Tremont Little Italy Detroit Shoreway Downtown / Cleveland State University Cuyahoga Valley ...
the Uniform Crime Reports, maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Findings presented at the December 2001 CEWG meeting are based on comparisons of 1999 and 2000 data from these sources. The findings also may be supplemented Trends ...
Washtenaw and Wayne counties. “Preterm birth” refers to infants who are born prior to 37 weeks of gestation. As shown in the image below, Detroit received an F grade and had theworst
The 1999 Crime Index total rates for these large cities ranged from a high of 10,416 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants in Detroit, Michigan, to a low of 2,944 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants in San Jose, California. For Washington, D.C., the 1999 Crime Index total rate was 8,062 ...
Traffic in the afternoon has come back quicker in metro areas that have reopened earlier, the report notes. 7 of the top 10 trafficked areas have been in Florida, with notable upticks in areas like Fort Myers and Sarasota. In places like San Francisco, New York and Detroit, afternoon week...
Theuseofforce,fear,orthreatofforce.Thiselementofthecrimerequiresthattheforceorthreatofforcewasdirectedagainstthephysicalsafetyofthevictim. TYPOLOGYOFROBBERIES VisibleStreetRobberies Approximately5ofevery10robberieshappenonthestreet Carjackings InDetroitin1990thetermcarjackingwascoinedtodescribethegrowingnumbersofthesepo...
Either click a city of interest on the left, or interact with the graph directly for more information. Not surprisingly, Detroit have been falling longer than any of the other 19 selected cities, whereas prices in Washington, D.C. have risen the most since February. [New York Times]11.3m...
When the city of Detroit, once the greatest car making city in the world, declared bankruptcy, it seemed like the formal announcement of the death of the American dream. But from another perspective the plight of Detriot should concern us all. Writers who try to warn of the dangers of big...
They protect us against arbitrary action by those who hold the levers of power. To make matters worse, the University has dropped the standard of proof in sexual assault cases from “clear and convincing evidence” to “preponderance of the evidence.” This means that a Cornell student accused...