While overall numbers show decline, some congregations are growing and some are shrinking. A new typology suggests a hypothesis: the growth of some congregations is at the expense of others.doi:10.1016/j.parco.2012.03.003Billings, AlanElsevier Science Publishers B. V.Parallel Computing...
As the center of the Roman Empire, the seat of power of the Catholic Church, the end of the Silk Road, and the birthplace of the Renaissance, Italy’s contribution to global development over the past two millennia cannot be understated. Italian culture has been exported across the world ...
industrialized countries since the 1960s has been interpreted as an indication of shrinking family size. However, period measures, like the period TFR, are distorted by so-called ‘tempo effects’ (Bongaarts and Feeney, 1998). Tempo effects mean that annual birth (or death) rates may decline ...
of Rome, a historical event that was etched as the beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire. In fact, this historical event is of such significance that both the EnglishBill of Rights(formally An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the ...
Hundreds of charitable giving statistics and metrics including online giving, church statistics, social media, online fundraising, mobile donations and more.
Public Media nonprofits saw 41% growth in list size in 2017, while International was the only sector to experience a decline (a change of -8%). For every 1,000 fundraising emails a nonprofit sends, it will raise an average of $17. ...
Christianity’s Decline Has Not Ushered In A Scientific Utopia But Why Has Prof. Dawkins Come Out As A Cultural Christian.When his best selling non - fiction book 'The God Delusion' was causing multiple sensationalist responses in print and broadcast mediaalmost 20 years ago Richard Dawki...
In conclusion, the Android smartphone marketplace has persisted to dominate the global telephone market in 2023, with over 72% of cellular market stocks in January 2023. However, the marketplace saw a decline in Q1 and Q3 2023, with a 14% YoY decline in Q1 2023 and a 1% decline in Q3...
Again, they omit inflation. Since 1990 (their own starting date), prices of dairy products have risen more slowly than inflation – indicating a decline in real prices. In Canada, the opposite occurred – inflation increased more slowly than dairy prices indicating an increase of the real price...
I'd personally be more comfortable if he chose the "blip" as the starting point of the 2-week decline... but I do agree that we have had hospitalizations decline for two weeks (at least... by some interpretation of the argument). Covid Cases and Deaths continue upwards, despite the ...