Meanwhile, increased spending was seen on technology accessories like headsets and cellphone cases, which were added to the CPI basket as part of the latest review, he said, adding the CPI basket is a reflection of New Zealand society and how it has changed over time. Housing and food remain...
910 (using 1815 as a starting year) – pretty close. But what I think Avery Jones did was adjusting £631 with the Bank’s CPI index inMillenium of Macroeconomic Datadataset(A.47:D), which returns a modern-day price of £45,047 – but that series ends in 2016 and so should idea...
But, having mentioned the SNZ priority on trendy causes, there is the Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand project I wrote abouthere. Dozens and dozens of indicators about New Zealand (reminder to SNZ “New Zealand” is the name of the country), some perfectly sensible and already published, and o...
NorwayNorvegian CPI (Norway - Statistics Norway)NOK-Norwegian krone31 December 195531 December 20242.21 %-0.07 % New ZealandNew Zealand CPI (Stats NZ)NZD-New Zealand dollar31 March 200030 September 20242.12 %0.19 % PolandPolish CPI (Poland - Central Statistical Office (GUS))PLN-Polish zloty31 De...
14 CHAPTER 1 Descriptive Statistics 100 80 60 40 20 0 MC EI RR Fd CPI Category ■ FIGURE 1.1 Percentage price increase of consumer goods. A&U Looking at Figure 1.1, we can identify where the maximum and minimum responses are located, so that we can descriptively discuss the phenomenon ...
Based on GARCH model,the paper examines the impact of regular macroeconomic statistics release of consumer price index,fixed asset investment growth rate,retail sales growth rate,trade balance and M2 on China's main financial markets.The result shows that the release of CPI increases the volatility...
7.1.13 CPI Corporate 7.1.14 Core Publishing Solutions 7.1.15 Command Companies 7.1.16 Quad/Graphics Inc. 7.1.17 Walsworth Publishing Company *List Not Exhaustive 8. INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 9. MARKET OPPORTUNITIES AND FUTURE TRENDS **Subject to Availability ...
Switzerland (Swiss Franc), Italy (euro and italian lira), Germany (euro and german mark), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (sterling pound), Japan (yen), Argentina (argentine peso), Russia (ruble), Australia (australian dollar), New-Zealand (new-zealand dollar), Euro...