For past statistics, visit ourPast Underage Drinking statistics page. It's a Matter of Life and Death – Don't Drink and Drive Underage drinking affects millions of families every year. That's why it's important to discuss the dangers of teen drinking, peer pressure, and driving or riding...
Grim Statistics of Underage DrinkingDear Ann Landers: This editorial appeared two years ago in theMyrtle Beach, S.C., Sun News. I...By Landers
Some of the most commonrisks of underage drinkinginclude: Brain Development:The teenage years are a critical period for brain development, and theeffects of alcohol on theteen braincan stall this development. During adolescence, anarea of the braincalled the amygdala, which is responsible for fear...
Getting a driver’s license is an exciting rite of passage for teenagers — but it also carries a high level of risk. Statistics show that teen drivers have an unusually high rate of accidents and fatalities compared to other age groups, thanks to their lack of on-road experience. However,...
Underage/binge drinking statistics startlingAmanda Martin