The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly and annual employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities in the United States.Note Microsoft provides Azure Open Datasets on an “as is” ...
Statistics Canada's Census Profile presents information from the 2011 Census of Population for various geographic areas. Users can search for an area of interest among census subdivisions (municipalities), census divisions, economic regions, census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, census tracts,...
Canadian Census MEtropolitan AreaCrime Severity Index (2017) Barrie, ON 45.3% Quebec City, QC 48.5% Toronto, ON 48.7% Ottawa, ON 50.8% Sherbrooke, QC 51.9% Trois Riviere, QC 53.1% Peterborough, ON 53.4% Saguenay, QC 55.4% St. Catherines-Niagara Falls, ON 56.2% Saint John, NB 56.5% ...
Average household income(and read thedefinition of household from the Census.) Average individual income Metro Area and City Definitions and Warnings Here is the additional data for cities: Acityin our income definition is ametropolitan areadefined by IPUMS. There is a lot of uncertainty baked int...
Canada. The 1996 Canadian census reported 351,705 Canadians of a Jewish ethnic origin, and due in part to immigration from South Africa, this is now estimated at 364,000 making the Canadian Jewish population the world s fourth largest. A further 50,000 or so Canadians report being Jewish by...
Statistics Canada Canadian Proteins Canada Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Jan 01, 1906 The StatCan Proteins data grouping provides information on production, disposition and prices of dairy, meat, poultry and aquaculture in Canada. United States Census Bureau Economic Indicators United States Monthly Dec 31...
One of nine geographic areas of the United States defined by the Census Bureau and widely used by BLS for presenting regional data.Duration of unemployment (Current Population Survey) The length of time in weeks (through the current reference week) that persons classified as unemployed had been ...