4. If the query has an embedded prompt, enter other information if necessary (for example, the quarter for which you want to retrieve sales figures). Selecting a Data Source Use the first screen of the Database Wizard to select the type of data source to read. ODBC Data Sources If you...
To quantify changes in these responses over time, one option is to put them on a numerical scale and compute the mean. Another option is to compute the percentage who choose a particular response or set of responses. Since the changes have been most notable in the “Hardly any” response, ...
He described an ongoing 4-year research project to determine the probability of eye injury from handheld lasers at a distance; results may be available in 2020. Finally, he discussed Swedish law which includes a requirement for a license to own a handheld laser over 1 milliwatt. The final ...
(a) The parametric down-conversion based photon pair source with quarter-waveplates (QWP), half-waveplates (HWP) and a polarisation beamsplitter cube (PBS) used as a polariser, to control the initial state before input into the chip. Down conversion in the nonlinear bismuth borate (BiBO) ...