The number of teachers in compulsory education is expected to rise by around 6% up until 2031 due to population growth. Between 43 000 and 47 000 new primary teachers will have to be recruited by then. For the lower secondary level, between 26 000 and 29 000 new teachers will be needed...
Urban poverty rate stood at 18.04 percent, while the rural poverty rate is estimated at 52.1 percent, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said in its 2019 Poverty and Inequality in Nigeria report. According to the report, the national poverty line is calculated by consumption expenditures. A...
Extreme Poverty Is Now at Record Levels -- 19 Statistics About the Poor That Will Absolutely Astound YouSnyder, By Michael
The National Center for Education Statistics reports that about one in five adults in the US is illiterate (不识字的) or has poor literacy skills. I Love Books is on a mission to change that. Founded in 2021, the social organization aims to end illiteracy by making sure that all children...
Approximately 264 million children and youths around the world are not attending school.6 UNESCO estimatesglobal povertycould be cut by 55% if all children completed secondary education.6 More than 785 million people globally do not have access to basic water services, including a well.7 ...
the UK government agency responsible for the collection, analysis and publication of economic, social and demographic statistics, including the consumer price index, national income accounts, balance-of-payments accounts, social trends, labour market data and periodic censuses of the population and health...
The National Center for Education Statistics reports that about one in five adults in the US is illiterate(不识字的)or has poor literacy skills. I Love Books is on a mission to change that.Founde d in 2021, the social organization aims to en d illiteracy by making sure that all children...
In accordance with European Union recommendations, the State Statistical Office calculated the poverty indicators for 2015 based on a survey on income and living conditions. The at-risk-of-poverty rate in households of two adults with two dependent children in 2015 was 22.9 percent, the statistics...
The first is education about the nature of depression.The therapist will emphasize that depression is a common illness and that most people can expect to get better with treatment. The second strategy is defining problems (such as abnormalgriefor interpersonal conflicts).After the problems are defin...
"Since the beginning of the 1980s Eurostat has been carrying out work on poverty statistics. In this field the mandate conferred by the European Council on Eurostat was to produce 'regular, reliable and comparable statistics on poverty'. The Treaty of Amsterdam has broadened the scope for Comm...