Drinking and driving facts A driver is considered legally impaired when their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) measures 0.08 or higher. One alcohol-related death occurs every 39 minutes in the U.S. (NHTSA). Drunk driving accidents are responsible for 11,000 deaths every year, and about 1/...
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) drunk driving statistics in Maryland show that Maryland has far fewer drunk driving deaths per 100,000 people than the majority of states across the country. The number of drunk driving fatalities and serious injuries is on a steady ...
Statistics prove the effectiveness of interlock devices in combating the deadly problem of drunk driving. Learn more at Intoxalock.
Drunk driving.Alcohol useby underage drivers leads to a high number of fatal crashes. In 2022, alcohol was involved in 22 percent of fatal crashes among drivers aged 16-17 and 31 percent of crashes among drivers aged 18 to 20.(IIHS) ...
Drunk Driving in Texas In Texas, a person is hurt or killed in a vehicular crash involving alcohol about every 20 minutes.3 In 2016, 1,438 people were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes where a driver was under the influence of alcohol, which comprised 38.1% of all vehicular fatalities...
National statistics show that every 50 minutes in our country a person is killed by impaired driving. Let that sink in a minute. If you won't think about your safety, please think of someone else's safety. One Third Of All Traffic Fatalities Involve Drunk Driving ...
2. Texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk. –Edgar Snyder & Associates 3. Answering a text takes away your attention for about five seconds. Traveling at 55 mph, that’s enough time to travel the length of a football field. ...
Mothers Against Drunk Driving: 800-GET-MADD National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence: 800-NCA-CALL National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA): 301-443-3860 National Clearinghouse for Alcoholism and Drug Information: 800-729-6686 ...
An analysis was made of recent trends in arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants (DUI) and the characteristics of persons confined in local jails in 1983 who had been charged with driving while intoxicated by alcohol (DWI). Data on DUI arrests were drawn from...
Although not as dangerous as holidays such as Memorial Day, Labor Day, or Independence Day, driving during Easter weekend does increase your risk of getting into an accident. Drunk driving, partying, and traffic spikes all contribute to the surge of deadly accidents during the Easter holiday. ...