In 2004 in England and Wales alone, there were 2,915 deaths on the road. Despite these horrifying statistics, Great Britain's permitted blood alcohol concentration for driving remains at 80mg/100ml. The only safe option must be...
Drunk driving. Statistics suggest that drivers in the US continue to drink and drive despite the laws that prohibit them from doing so. A whopping 65% of car accident fatalities reported the presence of alcohol in the driver’s bloodstream. ...
This increase in candy market value may be linked to a number of causes, including increased product innovation by key companies, an ever-increasing population of young and children, and rising personal disposable income. The key elements driving the expansion of the confectionery market are rising...
overall beverage sector is declining. Sales of carbonated beverages and energy drinks are rising as a result of more health-conscious consumers' demand for less sweet and naturally derived products. Thus, the demand for sugar-free and reduced-sugar options is driving the market for energy drinks....
Farmers in Spain have joined their counterparts in France, Germany and many other EU member states as the stepped up their protests across the country against EU green and globalist policies which are driving up costs and restricting productivity for European farmers while making importation of foods...
Visiting local wineries was an incredibly illuminating experience for me. There’s something special about peeling back the veneer of the grocery store aisle to see where this drink is made. While it’s difficult to travel now thanks to COVID-19, there are several ways you can show support...
(how can we call those virtues), these unions have produced numerous infographics to make their case. It is even part of what they dub their These-infographics-show-that-diary-prices-are-lower-in-Canada-than-elsewhere, that milk is still a cheap drink relative to other type of drinks and...
and fruit juices. Other natural sweeteners, such as erythritol and xylitol, are also preferred among key players in the beverage industry. Thus, the expansion of the consumer base for beverage products provides an incentive for developing new natural sweeteners and products, thereby driving the mark...
you are a survivor .According to statistics, you are more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman ,and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you will die on average five ...
In this year, different factors were driving the tourism sector in Northern Ireland forward, with more visitors, more spending and more cruise ships slicing through the waters of Northern Ireland’s ports. From January to December 2017, Northern Ireland was the chosen travel destination of 4.9 mil...