When this is done some of the old statistical tests of significance become very effective in finding blunders, even more than the robust estimation methods which have been proposed in recent years to replace the procedures of least squares adjustment....
To determine whether these two tests make the same decisions regarding statistical significance, we conducted a Monte Carlo simulation using several problems derived from Gaussian distributions, three machine-learning algorithms, ROC analysis, ANOVA, and LABMRMC. Results suggest that the decisions these ...
When this is done some of the old statistical tests of significance become very effective in finding blunders, even more than the robust estimation methods which have been proposed in recent years to replace the procedures of least squares adjustment....
Based on the significant test of significance and the existing problems,a model estimate test of view and method are presen- ted. 基于显著性检验的意义及其存在的问题,提出了评价经验模型预测性的观点与方法,从理论与实践两方面探讨有关的统计检验手段,进而提出预测性检验理论。 更多例句>> 补充资料:单侧...
Under the assumption that responses to different dichotomous items are statistically independent, exact distributions for coefficients of reproducibility,
In statistical significance testing, a one-tailed test and a two-tailed test are alternative ways of computing the statistical significance of a parameter inferred from a data set, in terms of a test statistic. A two-tailed test is appropriate if the estimated value is greater or less than ...
How Do You Show Statistical Significance in Excel? Microsoft Excel has built-in functions to perform some of the calculations needed for statistical significance tests. To perform a chi-squared test, type =CHISQ.TEST(ActualRange, ExpectedRange), where the arguments are arrays of cells. To measure...
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费希尔的显著性检验方法 Significance test(Fisher's Approach) 1. 制定统计模型和统计假设 Formulation of the statistical model and statistical assumptions. Formulate the scientific hypothesis in terms of a statistical one. 2. 选择适当的检验方法或检验统计量,并制定零假设 H0 Selection of the appropriate ...
Statistical tests of significance are widely misunderstood. Most researchers treat them as a "black box": evaluation results go in and a p-value comes out. Because significance is such an important factor in determining what research directions to explore and what is published, using p-values ...