BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 | 68th edition Contents Introduction 1 Group chief executive's 2 2018 at a glance introdFEguclonotireobn6rag6lyly 33yh02ce a oasNRPnrsrespoa,sirdtseotuurthvcvereteainidosltBnegddPaashStaitgaohtin-sqtwiucaaollirtlRydeoevbniejeewrcgtyiov 55...
BP's Statistical Review of World Energy was published last week. According to the review, there was a 2.9% increase in global primary energy consumption in 2018, double the 10-year average. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019
Natural gas 34 Reserves 36 Production 38 Consumption 41 Prices 42 Trade movements Statistical Review of World Energy 2021 | 70th edition Natural gas Total proved reserves Canada Mexico US Total North America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Colombia Peru Trinidad & Tobago Venezuela Other S. & Cent...
《世界能源统计年鉴》(Statistical Review of World Energy 2022)~原文来自BP 直接上干货: 2021年全球能源消费量增长5.8%,超过疫情前水平,比2019年高1.3%。其中,化石燃料占一次能源使用量的82%,而2019年和五年前的占比分别为83%和85%。 2021年,全球日均石油需求量为9690万桶,比2019年减少370万桶。这种需求不...
The bp Statistical Review of World Energy and other material is available online atwww.bp.com/statisticalreview In addition to the latest edition in PDF format, the website also contains: Historical data from 1965 for many sections; Additional data for oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectricity, ...
Rare earth metals production expanded by 23.2%, driven by strong growth in Australia and the US. For even more details, click on below image to download thefull report: Source: BP For the Statistical Review of World Energy 2020,click HERE...
Statistical Review of World Energy is a significant moment for the Energy InstituteEI.As the chartered professional membership body for people who work across the world of energy,the EI and its precursor bodies date back more than a century.This major addition to our body of work underpins our...
BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2007 For 62 years, the BP Statistical Review of World Energy has provided high-quality objective and globally consistent data on world energy markets. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 - the 62nd annual report - reveals that 2012......
Der Statistical Review bietet umfassende, objektive und globale Daten über die Weltenergiemärkte. Statistischer Überblick über die Weltenergie Das seit 1952 von bp herausgegebene „Statistical Review of World Energy“ ist die umfassendste, objektivste und aktuellste Sammlung und Analyse von ...
Statistical Review of World Energy – 2022 The US energy system in 2021 US oil consumption grew 1.5 Mb/d in 2021, the most of any country, still 4% below 2019 levels, while refining capacity was 1 Mb/d lower than 2019. Emissions bounced back as well in 2021 but remain 6...