Descriptive statistics have been used to identify the specific characteristics of the data in the interpretation. We provide simple details of the findings and the procedures followed in Fig. 3. Alongside primary frequency distribution, we form the basis of almost all quantitative analyses of the res...
One way to improve a process is to implement a statistical process control program. Typically used in mass production, an SPC program enables a company to continually release a product through the use of control charts rather than inspecting individual lots of a product. As long as a device co...
000 single data entries – and it is growing each day. The numbers contain the story of energy in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of this one. They illustrate global transitions in the fuels we use and how we use them, and our preoccupations and concerns about ...
The nonhuman primate model of glaucomatous optic neuropathy most faithfully reproduces the human disease. We used high-density oligonucleotide arrays to investigate whole genome transcriptional changes occurring at the optic nerve head during primate exp
One reason I never post my slides before class is that I’m worried that students would then read the slides as a substitute for reading the book. After all, reading the slides is easier. So now I fear the future where students will watch the video instead of reading. ...
Animals can be numbered in random order so that at the postmortem examination there will be no indication of the treatment group. Pathologists 1Abbreviations used in this article: ANOVA, analysis of variance; DF, who read slides from toxicity experiments are often not degrees of freedom. Volume ...
The landslide frequency trend (as indicated above, the present analysis is limited to shallow translational slides and debris flows affecting regolith) obtained is shown in Fig. 3. As mentioned above, the increase observed in the number of landslides per year does not seem to be related to vari...
Descriptive statistics have been used to identify the specific characteristics of the data in the interpretation. We provide simple details of the findings and the procedures followed in Fig.3. Alongside primary frequency distribution, we form the basis of almost all quantitative analyses of the resul...
Action: This sub-layer represents parts of the system that are used to enact the selected control action that corresponds to the result of the decision process. 2.2. Main Components Figure 2 below shows the data flow through the main components of the system. Streaming data for proactive monito...
In the structural context, the study area presents a control generated mainly by the stroke of the Bucaramanga Fault, which is a regional type of structure with a combined component in the course (sinestral) and in the dip (reverse) with an NNW–SSE direction [22,23]. There is also the...