machine learning is an algorithm ...
In statistical modeling we usually use parametric approaches (e.g., think of linear or logistic regression as the simplest examples of parametric models – we specify the number of parameters upfront), whereas in machine learning, we often use nonparametric approaches, which means that we don’t...
Machine learning versus statisti- cal modeling. Biometrical Journal, 2014.Boulesteix AL, Schmid M (2014) Machine learning versus statistical modeling. Biometrical JournalBoulesteix, A.-L. and Schmid, M. (2014) Machine learning versus statistical modeling. Biometrical Journal (to appear)....
论文地址:Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures (with comments and a rejoinder by the author) 作者是大名鼎鼎的random forrest的发明人Leo Breiman。这篇文章发表于2001年,他指出了当时出现在统计学中的另外一种文化,以及代表这种文化的两种模型,随机森林和svm,并指出这两个模型颠覆了人们对于模型多样性,模型复杂...
machine-learning prediction 2018 This article elaborates on Frank Harrell’s post providing guidance in choosing between machine learning and statistical modeling for a prediction project. May 14, 2018 Drew Griffin Levy@DrewLevy 11 min Road Map for Choosing Between Statistical Modeling and M...
Breiman, L., 2001.Statistical modeling: The two cultures(with comments and a rejoinder by the author). Statistical science, 16(3), pp.199-231. Hazelton, M. L., 2015.Nonparametric regression. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), pp. 867-877 ...
Statistical and now machine learning prediction methods have been gaining popularity in the field of landslide susceptibility modeling. Particularly, these data driven approaches show promise when tackling the challenge of mapping landslide prone areas for large regions, which may not have sufficient geotec...
ideas and methods in hierarchical modeling, computing, and predictive checking which become key building blocks in modern Bayesian workflow; propensity scores; ideas in meta-analysis; integration of sampling and experimental design into Bayesian inference; multiple imputation; principal stratification for ins...
Applications of mixture models can be found across almost all of applied statistics, for example: clustering (McLachlan and Basford, 1988); robustness (Hampel et al., 2011); measurement error modeling (Fuller, 1987); repeated measures (Crowder and Hand, 2017); machine learning (ML); and ...
I decided to change my term course (12-14 weeks-long) on `introduction to Bayesian modeling with some hierarchical modeling’ (no, that’s the not the official title, but that is the gist) to a three-week intensive. I have been thinking about doing this for a couple years, but ...