Statistical machine translation (SMT)Parallel corpusNatural language processing (NLP)Phrase-based translationIn this study, performance analysis of a state-of-art phrase-based statistical machine translation (SMT) system is presented on eight Indian languages. State of the art in S...
Statistical Machine Translation is an approach to Machine Translation which uses models to learn translation patterns directly from data, and generalize them to translate a new unseen text. The SMT approach is largely language independent, i.e. the models can be applied to any language pair. ...
In the field of statistical machine translation (SMT), deep neural networks have begun to show promising results. (Schwenk, 2012) summarizes a successful usage of feedforward neural networks in the framework of phrase-based SMT system. 深度神经网络在各种应用中取得了巨大的成功,例如目标识别(Kr...
We introduce a generic framework in Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) in which lexical hypotheses, in the form of a target language model local to the input sentence, are used to guide the search for the best translation, thus performing a lexical microadaptation. An in- stantiation of ...
针对基于短语的统计机器翻译(SMT)模型中由于采用精确匹配策略导致的短语稀疏问题,提出了一种基于短语相似度的统计机器翻译模型。 更多例句>> 补充资料:机器翻译评价 机器翻译评价 machine translation evaluation 1 iqi fQnyi Ping』ia机器翻译评价(n拟比hine tnu.lation创alua。t五佣)对机器翻译系统性能及其译文质量的...
使用单一语种smt来进行query改写 可以通过改写query里的单词,增加匹配到相当文档的概率。 用用户query日志来将query里的单词改写成文档标题中包含的单词。 问题 由于连接词匹配的问题,长query在搜索引擎下的召回率低。 query里的单词与document里的单词不匹配 ...
英文: Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) is the text translation by the statistical parameter models obtained from the training corpus, which has become the mainstream of machine translation research.中文: 统计机器翻译是利用基于语料库训练得到的统计参数模型,将源语言的文本翻译成目标语言,它是机器翻译...
English-Indian machine translationIndian-Indian language machine translationIn this paper, we present our work on a case study between statistical machine translation (SMT) and rule-based machine translation (RBMT) systems on English-Indian language and Indian to Indian......
3.First the Chinese-Uyghur corpus was used to train the language model and the translation model.首先使用汉维语料进行训练,得到语言模型和翻译模型;再利用训练好的模型对源语句进行解码,以得到最佳的翻译语句。 4)Statistical Machine Translation(SMT)基于统计模型的机器翻译 5)Hierarchical chunking-phrase based...
2016年9月,Google研究團隊宣布開發Google神經機器翻譯系統,同年11月,Google翻譯停止使用其自2007年10月以來一直使用的專有统计机器翻译(SMT)技術,開始使用神經機器翻譯(英语:Neural machine translation)(NMT)。 LASER-wikipedia2 Page Content 5 ITU SMT is a statistical machine translation (SMT) prototype develo...