组要组成部分:监督学习(supervised learning),非监督学习(unsupervised learning),半监督学习(semi-supervised learning),强化学习(reinforcement learning)。 三要素:模型(model),策略(strategy),算法(algorithm)。 模型就是设计一种机器学习模型(神经网络的网络结构),策略就是定义模型中的函数中什么是最优的(loss函数的...
上一讲讲完了有关什么是machine learning以及machine learning的分类后,这一讲就先从statistical machine learning 开始讲。 首先说说statistical machine learning的framework。 Input:n个具有iid(独立同分布的)training samples:()(xi,yi)∈X×Y,i=1,2,3,...,n Target Function: f∈F Loss Function: L(f...
组要组成部分:监督学习(supervised learning),非监督学习(unsupervised learning),半监督学习(semi-supervised learning),强化学习(reinforcement learning)。 三要素:模型(model),策略(strategy),算法(algorithm)。 模型就是设计一种机器学习模型(神经网络的网络结构),策略就是定义模型中的函数中什么是最优的(loss函数的...
This lecture introde idea of growth functioon and k-point. You can read "Learning form data, a short course" to help you understand and I remember there is a class lectured by this book's author with exactly the same topic in Bilibili....
5054 Statistical Machine Learning 1.introduction: statistical learning with Data(参见onenote相关内容) data mining is not new why statistics I designed an efficient algorithm to classify cats and dogs pictures with some errors data usually have noise...
Machine Learning FAQ As a statistics professor who teaches machine learning classes, this is among the top questions I get frequently asked by students. There are, of course, many ways to slice and dice it. In my opinion, if I had to boil it down to a few single points, I would high...
Detection of flood-affected areas using multitemporal remote sensing data: a machine learning approach Mapping areas affected by flooding requires an efficient and an effective mapping methods because the flood detection methods provided diverse results and ... R Kurniawan,I Sujono,W Caesarendra,......
In accepting the award, he gave a layman’s presentation of his work on statistical and causal machine learning methods titled “Statistical and causal approaches to machine learning“.It’s an excellent one hour talk and I highly recommend that you watch it....
Smile (Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine) is a fast and comprehensive machine learning system. With advanced data structures and algorithms, Smile delivers state-of-art performance. Smile covers every aspect of machine learning, including classification, regression, clustering, association...
Masashi Sugiyama杉山将著,Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning 《统计机器学习》的学习小记(3) Chapter-4 EXAMPLES OF CONTINUOUS PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS 接下来我们学习一些连续的概率分布。 4.1 Continuous Uniform Distribution 连续均匀分布是指在有限区间具有恒常的概率密度: ...