Global gender pay gap Highest gender pay gap among OECD countries Percentage of economic participation gender gap closed worldwide Gender gap closed in Western Europe Number of countries where the highest position of executive power is held by a woman Education Female adult literacy rate wor...
In 2023, there were approximately 1.35 children born per woman in Germany, a decrease compared to the previous year.
Access to training on how to start a business in GCC countries, by gender 2012 Weekdays when women feel the least attractive 2013 Highly educated American women who are childless 1994 and 2014, by education Survey on which woman should be on the ten-dollar bill Number of National Judicial Off...
The findngs of a survey by Ipsos in 2019 revealed that the most important factor that could help a woman in Russia to get ahead was to have connections, as per 43 percent of respondents.
(1) Multiple births, (2) Two or more live births spaced within the 12-month period (the woman is counted only once), (3) Women who had births in the period and who did not survive to the survey date, (4) Women who were in institutions and therefore not in the survey universe. Th...
Things have changed since Kaptur took her seat in the House. “In those days, when a woman went to the floor to speak, it took almost a decade before they would even listen,” she told NBC News in 2018 when she broke the record. ...
Goldin, who was awarded the prize for “for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes”, was only the third woman to win the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, as it's officially called, and the first to be the sole winner ...
Moreover, the small proportion offemale billionairesdoes little to counter critics claiming the global economy is dominated by an elite comprised mainly of men. On the list of the20 richest people in the world, only one was a woman. Moreover, recent political discourse has put a great amount...
Boston, April 19, 1967, marathon runners set off on a race that will go down in history. Among the participants was Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to officially compete in a 42 kilometer race. A year earlier during the same marathon, Bobbi Gibb had to disguise herself as a man in ...
Goldin, who was awarded the prize for “for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes”, was only the third woman to win the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, as it's officially called, and the first to be the sole winner ...