This Stations of the Cross CDfrom Holy Heroes is fantastic!I think every Catholic family with kids should have a copy. In fact, I think it’s good even if you don’t have kids. 🙂 This goes through all the Stations, and is extremely professional and well done! You can hear all the...
Dietrich Brüggemann’s Stations of the Cross opens with a catechism class, a small group of confirmation candidates being instructed by a young priest (Florian Stetter). The writing is so sharp and precise, it could almost be a scene from a documentary; the priest comes across as lucid and...
We observe 14 Stations of the Cross as a repentance prayer, in the lent period that precedes Easter in order to meditate on the passion of Jesus who was condemned to death and crucified at Calvary by Jews and Roman soldiers who opposed the teachings and doings of the Son of God. Go and... Posted on May 29, 2012, by Sarah Reinhard iPad release of "The Way of the Cross of the Unborn" dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn. It received an imprimatur on November 30, 1983, from the Most ...
The opposite of faith: Film Style and the Miraculous in Stations of the Cross (2014) and Breaking the Waves (1996)Since 2005, a number of European films have emerged examining the legacy of Christianity in Western Europe, and the ways in which men, women and children struggle to negotiate ...
but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood. Look to it yourselves.” And the whole people said in reply, “His blood be upon us and upon our children.” 祭司長和長老挑唆眾人...
How many Stations of the Cross are there? How do I pray the Stations of the Cross? Do you ever wonder what it was really like to be at the Passion of Jesus? Our tendency is to approach the Gospels as history, far removed from who and where we are today. The temptation is to ...
Presents a meditation on the Stations of the Cross from the (Episcopal) Book of Occasional Services, and a meditation on the Stations of the Cross for children developed at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Lancaster PA USA. The app also presents an image of each station, taken from the Stations...
Our latest downloadable has 14 full page images, each depicting one of the Stations of the Cross. All images are original and cannot be found anywhere else! The border of each station is in triptych form which allows you to fold in the sides so that each station is free standing. Hang ...
The Secretary-General indicates that the benefits analysis was conducted according to a structured methodology involving consultative visits to multipledutystations,thecollection of data for each functional area from current systems, cross-checking against industry benchmarks, and extensive validation of data...