STATIM 2000 G4 STATIM 5000 G4 STATIM G4 Cassette Autoclave In-service (Canada) An overview of installing, operating, and maintaining the SciCan STATIM G4 Cassette Autoclave STATIM G4 Cassette Autoclave - Sales Video (Canada) Featuring the STATIM G4 Cassette Autoclaves the fastest, mos...
STATIM2000/2000S/2000G4 CASSeTTeAuToClAve™ ServiceManual . d e v r e s e r s t h g i r l l A . d t L n a C i c S 2 1 0 2 t h g i r y p o C . 0 . 2 v e R 9 3 6 8 0 1 - 6 9 l a u
Brianintroduced these autoclaves to our industry in the 1990’s, and hundreds of professionals have come to work with them over the years.Statimautoclaves have fully validated fast sterilization cycles, which makes them ideal for sterilizing jewelry and all the items as needed for each piercing ...
StatMats are available for both STATIM 2000 G4 (01-112867S) and STATIM 5000 G4 (01-112868S) autoclaves. Download Brochure StatMat Sell Sheet Have a question or interest in buying a product? Fill out the form to let a SciCan product Expert contact you. *required Manufactured by Sc...
StatMat硅胶垫使您的STATIM 保持崭新外观 保护 将卡盒安全地固定在STATIM 顶部,确保安全卫生的工作区域 防止油漆层受到意外的磨损和刮擦,使您的STATIM长时间保持崭新外观。 有助散热,以及防止热金属表面传热而造成表面损坏。 StatMats可用于STATIM 2000 G4(01-112867S)和STATIM 5000 G4(01-112868S)两种压力蒸汽...