静态类型转换 reinterpret_cast:重新解释类型转换 const_cast:常量类型转换 专业的上面很多了,我说说我自己的理解吧: synamic_cast一般用在父类和子类指针或应用的互相转化; static_cast一般是普通数据类型(如int m=static_cast<int>(3.14)); reinterpret_cast很像c的一般类型转换操作 const_cast是把cosnt或...
在转换指针的时候,reinterpret_cast<cv T*>(p)相当于static_cast<cv T*>(static_cast<cv void*>(...
指向的类型是无关的(译注:即指针变量pf是float类型,现在要被转换为int类型) //int* pn = static_cast<int*>(pf);//成功编译void*pv=static_cast<void*>(pf);//成功编译, 但是 *pn2是无意义的内存(rubbish)int*pn2=static_cast<int*>(pv);// reinterpret_cast<>//错误,编译器...
classA{public://explicit A(int a1) 这样不支持隐式类型转换!A(int a1):_a1(a1){}operatorint(){return_a1+_a2;}private:int _a1;int _a2;}; 很简单的操作逻辑,这就是C++支持的自定义类型向内置类型的转换,这个不太常用,只要是在IO流中的对象中会有operator bool()来支持进行布尔的判断! 自定义类...
C语言中,可以通过(T)x将x转换为类型T,C++中也支持这种写法,这种写法被称为强制类型转换。它有什么问题呢?请看下面这个例子: 我们首先定义类Human: 复制代码 classHuman{protected:intmAge;// 年龄public:virtualvoidsay(){ std::cout <<"I'm a human.\n"; ...
How to printf time_t? how to programatically get IP address of local computer how to put int values to char array?? How to put the text from a string variable, into a messagebox, in VS Express 2012 C++? how to read a file line by line in Win32 How to read bytes or hex from...
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ bool HlsPlayer::onParsed(bool is_m3u8_inner, int64_t sequence, const map<int, ts throw invalid_argument("empty sub hls list:" + getUrl()); } _timer.reset(); weak_ptr<HlsPlayer> weak_self = dynamic_pointer_cast<HlsPlayer>(shared_from_this()); weak_ptr...
10int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) 11{ 1213 B obj; 1415{ 16 A* p = (&obj); 17 p->fun(); 18 }1920{ 21 A* p = static_cast< A* >(&obj); 22 p->fun(); 23 }2425{ 26 A* p = dynamic_cast< A* >(&obj); 27 p->fun(); 28 }...
lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldELF.cpp:402: void llvm::RuntimeDyldELF::resolveAArch64Relocation(const llvm::SectionEntry &, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint32_t, int64_t): assertion "static_cast<int64_t>(Result) >= INT32_MIN && static_cast<int64_t>(Result) <= UINT32_MAX" ...
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ bool HlsPlayer::onParsed(bool is_m3u8_inner, int64_t sequence, const map<int, ts throw invalid_argument("empty sub hls list:" + getUrl()); } _timer.reset(); weak_ptr<HlsPlayer> weak_self = dynamic_pointer_cast<HlsPlayer>(shared_from_this()); weak_ptr...