在C++中,static_cast<int>()用于将一个数值转换为整数类型。在某些情况下,这可能导致精度损失,因为浮点数的表示范围比整数大得多。为了解决这个问题,可以使用以下方法: 使用round()函数进行四舍五入: 代码语言:cpp 复制 floatf=3.14f;inti=static_cast<int>(round(f)); ...
cin >> n; cout <<endl<<static_cast<int>(n)<<endl; 但我意识到这对我不起作用。它总是截断小数,使1.9 - > 1而不是预期的1.9 - > 2 我如何使用我“知道”的东西解决这个问题? (如,没有round()或if语句等) 这是标准合规性问题吗?在学校我觉得我在Windows XP 32位上有类似的东西与Visual C +...
Now, we convert this float value to “int” data type by utilizing the “static_cast”. A “Y” variable with “int” type is declared and assigned with the output from static_cast<int>. Here, “int” is the desired data type for conversion. Inside the round brackets, the variable th...
converting size_t to int in c++ 64 bit application converting TCHAR to string Converting vector<string> to vector<double> Copy and pasting code WITH line numbers. COREDLL.DLL missing Correct addition of double values Could not load file or assembly in DEBUG mode. Works OK in release mode....
intb =static_cast<int>(f); cout<<"\nThe Value of b: "<< b; } Output: The Value of a: 5 The Value of b: 5 Different Scenarios and the Behaviour of static_cast: 1. Static_cast for references to primitive data types: Let's now modify the code mentioned above a bit. ...
在C++中,static_cast<int>()用于将一个数值转换为整数类型。在某些情况下,这可能导致精度损失,因为浮点数的表示范围比整数大得多。为了解决这个问题,可以使用以下方法: 使用round()函数进行四舍五入: 代码语言:cpp 复制 floatf=3.14f;inti=static_cast<int>(round(f)); ...