先前用來設定路由的routes.json已被取代。 如本文所述,請使用staticwebapp.config.json來設定靜態 Web 應用程式的路由和其他設定。 本文件說明如何設定 Azure Static Web Apps,這是獨立產品,與 Azure 儲存體 的靜態網站裝載功能分開。 檔案位置 staticwebapp.config.json的建議位置位於工作流程檔案中設定為app_location...
このドキュメントでは、スタンドアロン製品であり、Azure Storage の静的 Web サイト ホスティング機能とは別の、Azure Static Web Apps を構成する方法について説明します。 ファイルの場所 staticwebapp.config.jsonの推奨される場所は、ワークフロー ファイルでapp_locationとして設定されたフォ...
您可以在 staticwebapp.config.json 文件中定义Azure Static Web Apps 的配置,该文件控制以下设置:路由 身份验证 授权 回退规则 HTTP 响应替代 全局HTTP 头定义 自定义 MIME 类型 联网备注 以前用于配置路由的 routes.json 已被启用。 使用本文中所述的 staticwebapp.config.json ,为静态 Web 应用配置路由和其他设...
{"mode":"production","cors": {"origins": ["http://localhost:4280"],"allow-credentials":false},"authentication": {"provider":"StaticWebApps"} } },"entities": {"Person": {"source":"dbo.MyTestPersonTable","permissions": [ {"actions": ["create","read","update","delete"],"role"...
s production or named preview environments.When linked, any requests to a route prefixed with /apiis routed to your backend resource.Using a linked backendallows your frontendapp to call your API withoutconfiguring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), and itenablesStatic Web Apps...
adding various CSP and CORS headers to no resolution. -- it would appear, given the browser security settings, this would happen on other web hosting services that are looking for a cookie too. Any suggestions? Expected behavior a WASM deployed app would work, behind authentication ...
app.use(cors());varoptions ={ dotfiles:'ignore', etag:false, extensions: ['htm', 'html'], index:false, maxAge:'1d', redirect:false, setHeaders:function(res, path, stat) { res.set('x-timestamp', Date.now()) } } app.use(express.static('public', options)); ...
Azure Static Web Apps just keeps getting better and better. With the CLI, it’s super easy to run a local environment and not have to worry about things like CORS, making it closer to how the deployed app operates. And combining it with these VS Code tasks means that with a few key ...
Static Web App に B2C ログイン機能を実装し、セキュアにバックエンドAPIを呼び出すサンプルアプリです。 - TK3214-MS/POC-AUTH
Create, stop, start, and share Fenix servers from the command line with the free Node.js console app. MockupUse data stubs in interactive sites Create interactive web interfaces with.jsonor.xmlfiles. No more Apache/IIS/NGINX needed forCORS!