In this paper, a formula has been developed showing the effect of SVC on synchronising torque coefficient, such that damping is improved and the system voltage is controlled. A simplified analysis of the effect of SVC on the stability of a machine connected to an infinite bus, as well as a...
7.3.5Stabilitycriterion………”…”…”··””……·…”...20 AnnexA(informative)Additionalinformationforthesectionfactornpl,E”……”………·……·”21 B1bliography……·”……”……”…·…··…··”…·……·”……·……·…”……·…··……·…”……·”…·………··””...
This paper has studied the convergence of iteration algorithm for colebrook s formula which has been used to determining the resistance factor about industrial pipes in three regions of turbulent flow resistance (i. 本文研究了适用于工业管道紊流三个阻力区(即光滑区、过渡区和粗糙区)阻力系数计算的柯...
static stability curvetrimaranvertical sided hull formula for ship righting armFormula for righting arm of a ship vertically sided is not only fit to the calculation of initial stability at small inclination, but also for the calculation of the static stability under the middle degr...
This criterion is the quantized whirl-frequency ratio fc, whose magnitude is directly proportional to stability. The formula for calculating the quantized whirl-frequency ratio is defined as follows: 𝑓𝑐=𝐶𝑚𝜔−𝐾𝑐fc=Cmω−Kc (7) ...
Using the formulae in [26]: Σ1Nsin(2πjk/N)=0Σ1Nsini(ωt+2πk/N)=sin(iωt+(N−1)iπ/N).[sin(iπ)/sin(iπ/N)]=Nsin(iωt+(N−1)iπ/N) where the factor sin(iπ)/sin(iπ/N) takes the value N for i equal to an integer multiple of N or zero for all ot...
These changes improve overall performance, stability, security and maintainability of the application. lib/executor/instantiate/component/instantiate_component_instance.cpp Potential issues Based on the given code, I have identified a couple of bugs and explained them in one sentence each: Bug 1: The...
A fourth method that simultaneously uses the static structure factor and isothermal susceptibility is also noted. Of significance is the fact that these methods do not require information about the interatomic potential. Stability with respect to weights in the optimization process employed has been ...
[146–176], the hygro-thermal loading effect [177–204], various boundary condition effects [205–229], the static (stability) responses [40,60,75,80,230–253] as well as the dynamic behaviors (vibration problem) [254–278], of the FGM plate based on various and different assumptions [...
In this paper, we present a novel low-frequency sensing solution based on the manipulation of the near-field distribution by employing a passive holographic magnetic metasurface, excited by an active RF coil placed in its reactive region. In particular,