STATIC_URL = '/static/' Django 利用 STATIC_URL 来让浏览器直接访问静态文件 可以直接通过浏览器 http://IP:端口号/static/图片文件。 Django 生产环境静态资源处理 Django 关闭 DEBUG模式后, 就相当于生产环境了,Django框架一旦作为生产环境,它的静态文件访问接口就不能从Django框架中走,必须在Django框架前面部署... 设置如下: """ Django settings for mysite project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 3.2.12. For more
django会把所有的static文件都复制到STATIC_ROOT文件夹下 2.STATICFILES_DIRS STATIC_ROOT是在部署的时候才发挥作用,而实际情况下,静态文件的一般安放位置有两种: 1.一种就是在每个app里面新建一个static文件夹,将静态文件放到里面,在加载静态文件时,比如要在模板中用到静态文件,django会自动在每个app里面搜索static文...
Set a static file on django 1. In setting file: ROOT_PATH='/home/ronglian/project/taskschedule' STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS=( # Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static". # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows. os.path.join(ROOT_...
In file inside theINSTALLED_APPSlist, there is an app called'django.contrib.staticfiles', this baked in app manages the static files across the entire project during development as well in production. First, opensettings.pyfile and go straight to theSTATIC_URLsetting, which should ...
我正在按照教程尝试将我的 master 分支推送到 heroku 并得到错误 You're using the staticfiles app without having set the STATIC_ROOT setting to a filesystem path 。我正在使用 Django 2.0 和 python 3.6.3。完整的追溯:remote: ---> $ python collectstatic --noinput remote: ...
###第一部分:setting配置 早期的django处理静态资源要比较啰嗦,还要配置urlpatterens,不过自从django1.6开始加入了django.contrib.staticfiles这个内置app后,开发环境下处理静态资源就方便很多。 django.contrib.staticfiles是django的内置(build-in)app,用于处理js,css,images等静态资源。首先确保这个app已经包含在INSTALLED_...
在Django项目中遇到django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: You're using the staticfiles app without having set the static_root setting to a filesystem path.这个错误,通常意味着你的项目使用了staticfiles应用,但是没有在settings.py文件中正确设置static_root。下面我将详细解释如何解决这个问题: 1. 确认stat...
django.contrib.staticfilesprovides a convenience management command for gathering static files in a single directory so you can serve them easily. Set theSTATIC_ROOTsetting to the directory from which you’d like to serve these files, for example: ...
It is most probably caused by using the now-removed STATICFILE_STORAGES setting, while the new STORAGES setting should be used. Also note that the django-ckeditor-5 repository does not seem to present tests on Django 5.1 in its test suite, so maybe you should report that issue there. No...