{StaticRouter}from"react-router-dom/server";importhttpfrom"http";functionrequestHandler(req,res) {lethtml=ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<StaticRouterlocation={req.url}>{/* The rest of your app goes here */}</StaticRouter>);res.write(html);res.end();}http.createServer(requestHandler).listen(...
#ospf1router-id1.1.1.1default-route-advertise always area0.0.0.0network12. route-static0. route-static0. converge1 #ospf1router-id2.2.2.2area0.0.0.0network12.
据说服务端渲染的时候路由是无状态的,所以要用StaticRouter,而BrowserRouter使用 HTML5 提供的 history API (pushState, replaceState 和 popstate 事件) 来保持 UI 和 URL 的同步。 想问下StaticRouter和BrowserRouter的区别在于什么地方,无状态和有状态分别是什么意思?javascriptreact-routerreact-router4react.js 有用...
11.包含最小router-id路由优先 12.Origin-id相同,cluster-list长度最短路由优先 13.neighbor地址最小路由优先 二、BGP选路实验 A. 实验拓扑(EVE-NG模拟) 图-1 实验拓扑 图-1 实验拓扑 a) 如图-1所示,R1/R2模拟企业出口路由器,R3/R4模拟运营商设备。 b) 具体需求: 1. R1/R2分别手动配置0.0.0.0/0静态路...
igmp-snooping static-router-port命令用来配置VSI实例的AC侧接口为静态路由器端口。 undo igmp-snooping static-router-port命令用来取消当前配置。 缺省情况下,当前VSI实例的AC侧接口没有配置为静态路由器端口。 命令格式 igmp-snooping static-router-port vsi vsi-name undo igmp-snooping static-router-port vsi vs...
Configuration You must configure the following fields must be configured on theStatic Routerconfiguration screen: Name: Enter a name for the filter. Host: Enter the host name or IP address of the remote machine that is hosting the destination Web Service. ...
koa中间件 koa-static-router中间件搭建静态资源服务器, 实现多个&&多层路由加载静态资源 源码及使用说明 Git仓库 安装 Usage 简单配置 单个路由...
Configuration You must configure the following fields must be configured on theStatic Routerconfiguration screen: Name: Enter a name for the filter. Host: Enter the host name or IP address of the remote machine that is hosting the destination Web Service. ...
Define Static route. Static route synonyms, Static route pronunciation, Static route translation, English dictionary definition of Static route. n. 1. a. A disorderly retreat or flight following defeat. b. An overwhelming defeat. 2. a. A disorderly crowd
igmp-snooping static-router-port命令用来配置接口作为指定VLAN内的静态路由器端口。 undo igmp-snooping static-router-port命令用来取消接口作为指定VLAN内的静态路由器端口。 缺省情况下,接口没有配置为静态路由器端口。 命令格式 igmp-snooping static-router-port vlan { vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] } &<1-10...