pthread_cond_signal(&cond); // 激活一个等待该条件的线程 pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); } 在这个示例中,condition_met是在多个线程间共享的条件变量,它通过互斥锁lock来保护其数据完整性。当条件不满足时,使用pthread_cond_wait函数让线程等待。直到另一个线程调用pthread_cond_signal更改条件并通知等待的线程。
Unique rules to find Bugs, Vulnerabilities, Security Hotspots, and Code Smells in your C code "pthread_mutex_t" should be unlocked in the reverse order they were locked intentionality-logical reliability Bug BlockerSonarSource default severity ...
staticpthread_mutex_tfileDownloadMutex=PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; rfbBoolfileTransferEnabled=TRUE; rfbBoolfileTransferInitted=FALSE; charftproot[PATH_MAX]; staticrfbBoolfileTransferEnabled=TRUE; staticrfbBoolfileTransferInitted=FALSE; staticcharftproot[PATH_MAX]; ...
// If __atomic_* and futex syscall are supported, don't use any global // mutex. if (__gnu_cxx::__is_single_threaded()) { int *gi = (int *) (void *) g; *gi = _GLIBCXX_GUARD_BIT; // 1 return; } else { int *gi = (int *) (v...
// If __atomic_* and futex syscall are supported, don't use any global // mutex. if (__gnu_cxx::__is_single_threaded()) { int *gi = (int *) (void *) g; *gi = _GLIBCXX_GUARD_BIT; // 1 return; } else { int *gi = (int *) (void *) g; ...
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ typedef pthread_mutex_t osal_fastmutex_t; /*---*/ /* OS abstraction layer stuff */ MDBX_INTERNAL_VAR unsigned sys_pagesize; MDBX_MAYBE_UNUSED MDBX_INTERNAL_VAR unsigned sys_pagesize_ln2, MDBX_INTERNAL_VAR_PROTO unsigned sys_pagesize; MDBX_MAYBE_UNUSED MDBX_...
看右下角可知,其崩溃在方法pthread_rwlock_wrlock中。而这正是因为我们删掉static_init()后 rwlock_t runtimeLock; rwlock_t selLock; mutex_t cacheUpdateLock; recursive_mutex_t loadMethodLock; 这四行代码没有执行引起的(因为对应的构造函数不能执行)。至此谜题终于解开了。
The second issue was that we had used the pthread attribute `PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP`, which is – as its name suffix “`_NP`” suggests – not portable. And indeed it broke compilation under `libmusl`, since there it does not exist. This could also be fixed easily by just removi...
In the goblint-regression subset, CSeq-DR fails to analyse 10 programs due to unsupported pthread library functions, parsing issues, and other internal errors. The analysis turns out to be too expensive on 57 instances; 50 of these are specifically crafted examples with ten thousands threads on...
siginfo_t*, void*) at /mnt/disk1/hezhiqiang/doris/be/src/common/signal_handler.h:413 1# 0x00007F5D5DA5A400 in /lib64/ 2# __pthread_mutex_lock in /lib64/ 3# __gthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t*) at ...