Morph Targetsprovide a way to deform a mesh from its base form towards atargetform. Generally, these are used with SkeletalMeshes as part of the Animation system; however, using theStaticMeshMorpher.msmaxscript and theStaticMeshMorphTargetMaterial Function, StaticMeshes also have the ability to ...
UE_LOG(LogSkinnedMeshComp, Warning, TEXT("SkeletalMesh %s, is not supported for current feature level (%s) and will not be rendered. MinLOD %d, NumBones %d (supported %d), NumBoneInfluences: %d"),*GetNameSafe(SkeletalMesh), *FeatureLevelName, MinLODIndex, MaxBonesPerChunk, MaxSupportedGP...
This is a collection of snippets/examples for StaticMeshes and SkeletalMeshes manipulation/creation. Operations on animations, morph targets and LODs are included too Code is heavily commented, most of the explanations are there ! Introduction Before starting with snippets, we should introduce some co...
To convert, In the Items list, right-click over the Mesh Item layer containing the geometry you wish to convert, and select Change Type > Static Mesh from the pop-up menu. Once converted, all component level mesh editing is disabled, including morph maps and deformers (which are removed)....