1.在har下的module.json5中,把"type": “har"修改为"type”: “shared”,添加"deliveryWithInstall...
Hello Static Library! 说明的确调用了静态库。 运行hello_world_exe_shared_link.exe,有: 结果为: Hello Shared Library! 说明的确调用了动态库。 同时在Ubuntu20.04下测试有: cmake ../ cmake --build . --config release ls 可以看到Ubuntu20.04下生成了 libhello_world_static_library.a静态库和libhello_w...
include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) #if static lib,need Application.mk(needn't,I have cheked!) Saw the orange line,we know that this method actually consider the 3rd party library as a static library whoever is static or shared. When I use the static library ,I always got theundefined refere...
used in a static library: 比如你用到这个库里的函数,这些函数代码(二进制代码)都拷贝到你的代码程序里来了,所以运行时可以直接找到这些函数,所以可以在没有这些库的机器上运行 used in a shared dll: 当你用到这些库里的函数时,这些函数代码并没有被拷贝到你的程序中来,而是把这些函数是属于哪个库及它们在库...
When you use the Convert to Application or Library wizards, you can convert one or more projects to static libraries. You can then convert a static library to a shared library manually
在生成库后,通过编译并执行生成的可执行文件,验证了静态库与动态库的正确链接。结果显示,静态库生成的可执行文件输出了"Hello Static Library!",而动态库生成的可执行文件输出了"Hello Shared Library!",验证了CMake在链接库时的准确性。最后,文章整理了整个流程,展示了在CMake中构建不同类型的库...
Specific static library / shared library / header path on OSX Static library path exportLIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib" Shared library or dynamic library path exportDYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib" Header file path exportC_INCLUDE_PATH="/usr/local/include"...
Shared libraries are .so (or in Windows .dll, or in OS X .dylib) files. All the code relating to the library is in this file, and it is referenced by programs using it at run-time. A program using a shared library only makes reference to the code that it uses in the shared libr...
1.Create a C file that contains functions in your library. /* Filename: lib_mylib.c */ #include <stdio.h> voidfun(void) { printf("fun() called from a static library"); } We have created only one file for simplicity. We can also create multiple files in a library. ...
Hi, Is there any way to link librte_eal.a to a custom dpdk based shared library, as while compiling the shared library I am getting the following