1、创建Static Library,新建->Project,选择Static Library,如图, 点击Next,我将Static Library项目名称命名为TimeDate,因为这是我用于处理时间和日期的静态库工程, 2、静态库文件功能的实现细节 创建了静态库Static Library项目之后,Xcode自动为我们创建了TimeDate.h/.m文件,如下图所示, 这时候我们需要在这里面填充一些...
静态库又分为:framework 与static Library(.a ) 内容呈现方式不同: (1)framework为一站式分享文案,也可以说是一个文件夹,其中包含代码签名,头文件,二进制执行文件,静态资源文件(xib,图片)等。 (2)static Library 就是.a文件,为二进制执行文件。分享给别人的时候,头文件,静态资源文件(xib,图片)需要另外提供,...
5.Extract object (*.o) files from an iPhone static library 6.How to build a library for both iPhone simulator and device? 7.Build fat static library (device + simulator) using Xcode and SDK 4+ 8. Distributing your Static Library http://www.akitaonrails.com/2011/04/24/objective-c-dist...
The default LIB options for static libraries are:Debug複製 /nologo /out:"Debug\projname.lib" Release複製 /nologo /out:"Release\projname.lib" If you are using an external makefile, you can use the default build settings as a guide for the settings to use in your makefile....
开发一个应用程序不可避免要使用多个第三方库(library). 默认情况下,gcc采用动态连接的方式连接第三方库,比如指定-lpng,连接程序就会去找libpng.so。 gcc提供了一个-static参数,可以改变gcc默认的连接方式,GNU官网上关于gcc连接选项的手册《3.14 Options for Linking》中有说明:如下 ...
Now, create the static librarytestlib.ausingar: demo%ar cr testlib.a *.o To use this library, either include the library file on the compilation command or use the-land-Lcompilation options. The example uses the.afile directly:
UnderAdditional options, uncheck thePrecompiled headercheck box if it's checked. Check theEmpty projectbox. ChooseOKto create the project. Add a class to the static library To add a class to the static library To create a header file for a new class, right-click to open the shortcut men...
ld: '/Users/guoyongqing/code/ea-ios-sdk/eaApp/AnalysysEasyTouch.framework/AnalysysEasyTouch' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. file '/Users/guoyongq...
Unfortunately the native C and C++ toolchains do not expose any options to hide symbols in static libraries. This is because — unlike dynamic libraries — static archives are not a coherent whole but just a bag of object files. There is no concept of export control at the static library le...
UnderAdditional options, clear thePrecompiled headercheck box. Choose theFinishbutton to create the project. To use the functionality from the static library in the app After you create a console app, an empty program is created for you. The name for the source file is the same as the name...