1.在har下的module.json5中,把"type": “har"修改为"type”: “shared”,添加"deliveryWithInstall...
used in a static library: 比如你用到这个库里的函数,这些函数代码(二进制代码)都拷贝到你的代码程序里来了,所以运行时可以直接找到这些函数,所以可以在没有这些库的机器上运行 used in a shared dll: 当你用到这些库里的函数时,这些函数代码并没有被拷贝到你的程序中来,而是把这些函数是属于哪个库及它们在库...
LOCAL_MODULE :=hello-jniLOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello-jni.c include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE :=test LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=hello-jniinclude $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) Build Static Library and Shared Library from source code Android.mk LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-...
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES:= thirdlib1 #orLOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARY include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) #if static lib,need Application.mk(needn't,I have cheked!) Saw the orange line,we know that this method actually consider the 3rd party library as a static library whoever is static or shared. When ...
Steps to create a static libraryLet us create and use a Static Library in UNIX or UNIX like OS. 1.Create a C file that contains functions in your library. /* Filename: lib_mylib.c */ #include <stdio.h> voidfun(void) { printf("fun() called from a static library"); ...
Shared libraries are .so (or in Windows .dll, or in OS X .dylib) files. All the code relating to the library is in this file, and it is referenced by programs using it at run-time. A program using a shared library only makes reference to the code that it uses in the shared libr...
When you use the Convert to Application or Library wizards, you can convert one or more projects to static libraries. You can then convert a static library to a shared library manually
程序函数库可分为3种类型:静态函数库(static libraries)、共享函数库(shared libraries)和动态加载函数库(dynamically lo… blog.csdn.net|基于71个网页 2. 静态库 2、静态库(static libraries)也是一些编译好的代码片断,但却是在编译过程中被嵌入到程序内部的。这样的可执行程序是自包含 … ...
in shared dll和in static library编译出来的程序大小不同吧…… in shared dll编译出来的程序可能不能在不包含相关运行环境的系统中运行,而in static library编译出来的程序可以运行在不包含相关运行环境的系统中运行,因此体积会大一点……
Hi, Is there any way to link librte_eal.a to a custom dpdk based shared library, as while compiling the shared library I am getting the following