一、简介 Django的项目中,静态文件static在根目录下,或者在应用下,这两种方式引入的区别。以Django2.0+实验一下。 static文件夹包含css,js,img等文件夹 setting配置文件均只配置了 STATIC_URL = '/static/' 二、static文件夹在根目录下 1、引入css文件的两种方式: 第一种: {% load static %} <link type="...
在 开发阶段Django 把 /static 映射到 django.contrib.staticfiles 这个APP, django.contrib.staticfiles 自动地从STATICFILES_DIRS, STATIC_ROOT 以及各个APP的static 子目录里面搜索静态文件。 一旦部署到生产环境上,settings不需要重新编写,只要在Nginx的配置文件里面写好映射, /static将会被Nginx处理。django.contrib.s...
Django static配置 STATIC_URL='/static/'# HTML中使用的静态文件夹前缀STATICFILES_DIRS=[os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"static"),# 静态文件存放位置] 1. 2. 3. 4.
Django:settings中关于static静态文件目录的设置 django项目settings中关于静态资源存放位置的设置 主要涉及以下3项:STATIC_URL、STATICFILES_DIR和STATIC_ROOT 1、STATIC_URL 这项是必须配置的,而且属性值不能为空。默认值是STATIC_URL = '/static/'。 如果STATICFILES_DIR没有设置,则只能识别app中static文件夹下的静态...
如果html模板中大..如果我再setting中写STATIC_URL = '/static/'的话,我得再HTML模板中一条条添加/static/有没有什么更方便的办法试一下这个标签<base href="/static/" />
进入指定文件夹 cd /d + 指定盘目录,再执行 django-admin startproject + 项目名字 b.pycharm下创建Django项目 3.启动Django项目 python manage.py runserver,可以直接在pycharm下的Terminal下运行 4.关于前后台之间的交互,助于理解Django socket 前台访问后台不同接口.py ...
However, by that way, I still have to put this token {{ STATIC_URL }} in front of every static files reference. Is there a generic way to do it that makes django to accept these relative paths to static files? Thank you! django relative-path django-staticfiles Share Improve this ...
and if you had a static file with the same name in adifferentapplication, Django would be unable to distinguish between them. We need to be able to point Django at the right one, and the best way to ensure this is bynamespacingthem. That is, by putting those static files insideanother...
and if you had a static file with the same name in adifferentapplication, Django would be unable to distinguish between them. We need to be able to point Django at the right one, and the easiest way to ensure this is bynamespacingthem. That is, by putting those static files insideanothe...
In deed, there is no real private method inPython, it just converts the method name to_ClassName__method_name()or_ClassName__attribute_name. You can use thedir()function to see the method and attribute inside the instance. This article is also posted on my blog, feel free to check the...