由于django开发环境中,使用了django.contrib.statifiles 组件,且开启DEBUG模式后,对于静态文件的请求会自动在url_parttens追加一条静态文件访问的路由,源码如下: # staticfiles.urlsfromdjango.confimportsettingsfromdjango.conf.urls.staticimportstaticfromdjango.contrib.staticfiles.viewsimportserve urlpatterns = []defsta...
1. In setting file: ROOT_PATH='/home/ronglian/project/taskschedule' STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS=( # Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static". # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows. os.path.join(ROOT_PATH,'static'), ) STATIC_ROOT...
我们来看一下,如果我把STATICFILES_DIRS这个设置给屏蔽了,Django是否真的会去每个app里查找对应的静态文件。 在app下面设置同样的静态文件 虽然我们把STATICFILES_DIR设置对应文件里面的内容给屏蔽了,但是django还是通过app内的static文件夹找到了文件,可以使用 但是因为bootstrap和css及js文件无法使用,所以页面整体框架就没...
Since your static file server won’t be running Django, you’ll need to modify the deployment strategy to look something like: When your static files change, runcollectstaticlocally. Push your localSTATIC_ROOTup to the static file server into the directory that’s being served.rsyncis a common...
Since your static file server won’t be running Django, you’ll need to modify the deployment strategy to look something like: When your static files change, runcollectstaticlocally. Push your localSTATIC_ROOTup to the static file server into the directory that’s being served.rsyncis a common...
django404,500错误自定义页面: 1.设置settings文件 DEBUG = False ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['127.0.0...
How do I get Django to recognize this built path as an attempt to reach a static file, or alternatively, how do I modify the post-build injection path on the Vue side to match the current Django static-file settings? Django serves the built index.html from vue, however it can not find...
django\contrib\staticfiles\management\commands\collectstatic.py", line 260, in delete_file if self.storage.exists(prefixed_path): File "C:\Users\Elena\Desktop\Curso\4th Module\ecommerce2\.venv\lib\site-packages\storages\backends\s3boto3.py", line 532, in exists self.connec...
在Django项目中遇到django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: You're using the staticfiles app without having set the static_root setting to a filesystem path.这个错误,通常意味着你的项目使用了staticfiles应用,但是没有在settings.py文件中正确设置static_root。下面我将详细解释如何解决这个问题: 1. 确认stat...
When I try to fetch a media file, the StaticFilesHandler tries to handle it (since its URL starts with STATIC_URL) but no finder will be able to resolve its path. The handler then raises a 404 even if I have a pattern in my urlconf to serve my media files. After discussing it on...