Static classes can't be instantiated in C#. You access the members of a static class by using the class name itself.
StaticB()Y=1;将B赋值1,Y=1所以B.Y=1; 例2: namespace JieKou { class A { public static int x; static A() { x = 1; } public A() { x++; } } class B { static void Main(string[] args) { A a = new A(); A c = new A(); Console.WriteLine(A.x); } } } 输出结果...
(); } } class Student { public: /** *static数据成员声明在类内部 */ static int age_; }; int Student::age_ = 18; void TestClassStaticVariable() { std::cout << "直接通过类名调用static成员变量: " << Student::age_ << std::endl; Student* student1 = new Student(); Student* ...
public ref class TryInherit : MyStaticClass {}; // C3246, can't inheritint main(array<System::String ^> ^args) { MyStaticClass::member = 1; // Okay MyStaticClass^ obj = gcnew MyStaticClass; // C3622, can't instantiate return 0; }Hans Passant.Friday, August 15, 2008 7:15...
classPoint{public:voidinit(){}staticvoidoutput(){}};voidmain(){Point::init();Point::output();} 编译出错:error C2352: ‘Point::init’ : illegal call of non-static member function 结论1: 不能通过类名来调用类的非静态成员函数。
#include <cmath>class MathUtils {public: // 计算两个整数的最大公约数 static int gcd(int a, int b) { while (b != 0) { int temp = b; b = a % b; a = temp; } return a; } // 计算一个数字的平方根 static double sqrt(double number) ...
1.静态数据成员:用于修饰 class 的数据成员,即所谓“静态成员”。这种数据成员的生存期大于 class 的对象(实体 instance)。静态数据成员是每个 class 有一份,普通数据成员是每个 instance 有一份,因此静态数据成员也叫做类变量,而普通数据成员也叫做实例变量。
由于C++引入了类,在保持与C语言兼容的同时,static关键字又有了两种新用法: 3.用于修饰类的数据成员,即所谓“静态成员”。这种数据成员的生存期大于class的对象(实例/instance)。静态数据成员是每个class有一份,普通数据成员是每个instance 有一份。 4. 用于修饰class的成员函数,即所谓“静态成员函数”。这种成员函数...
public class MyBaseC { public struct MyStruct { public static int x = 100; } } To refer to the static member x, use the fully qualified name, MyBaseC.MyStruct.x, unless the member is accessible from the same scope: C# Copy Console.WriteLine(MyBaseC.MyStruct.x); While an inst...
class A { public: static int i; static void func( ){} }; int A::i = 0; int main( ) { A c1; c1.func( ); // 通过类对象访问静态成员函数 A::func( ); // 通过类名访问静态成员函数 int x = c1.i; //通过类对象访问静态数据成员 int y = A::i; //通过类名访问静态数据成员...