Example: type=darkno, default is map scalebarShow a scale bar on the top of the map. Example: scalebar=true Options: To change the position of the the scale bar on the map, append a single pipe character | followed by a position string to the end of the scalebar parameter. See the...
Though silly and evil static characters are far more common, it’s not unheard of for static characters to be positively symbolic or instructive. The attributes and views of these characters provide a guiding constant for the protagonist. A good example of this kind of static character is Atticu...
Though silly and evil static characters are far more common, it’s not unheard of for static characters to be positively symbolic or instructive. The attributes and views of these characters provide a guiding constant for the protagonist. A good example of this kind of static character is Atticu...
a研究不同配方对其憎水性迁移能力的影响是很有意义的。为了研究不同配方硅橡胶的憎水性迁移能力,采用静态接触角法,在相同的条件下进行憎水性的比较从而得出规律。 Studies the different formula has the significance very much to its hatred river character migration ability influence.In order to study the differ...