Take a look at our color-coded map to see how much alcohol the residents of each U.S. state and Washington, D.C., drink each year.
Results Laws regarding alcohol and cannabis were found to be strictest in the United States, somewhat less strict in Canada, and least strict in the Netherlands. On most measures of drinking, rates were lower in the United States than in Canada or the Netherlands. With United States as the ...
There’s no need to fully relearn them. It takes a lot of effort getting legislators to change vehicle laws. They mostly keep busy with other issues, like education, public health, or the state budget. As a result, the driving reforms that win legislative approval and get signed into law...
laws. We have in the past sourced a small portion of crude oil from Iran. The United States has adopted a number of measures since 1996 that provide for the possible imposition of sanctions against non-U.S. companies engaged in certain activities in and with Iran in the energy and other ...
Massachusetts, which has some of the nation's strictest gun laws, enacted its ban a month after the Las Vegas shooting, pushed through a Democratic-controlled Legislature and signed into law by a Republican lieutenant governor. New Jersey followed suit last month with a measure signed into...
The leading manufacturer of bump stocks, Texas-based Slide Fire Solutions, briefly stopped selling them, posting a notice on its website that it had suspended sales to keep up with demand. It has since resumed sales. Massachusetts, which has some of the nation’s strictest gun laws, enacted...
With the exception of Vermont, every state is required by its laws or constitution to balance its budget (though many of these requirements are quite flexible in their definitions of "balance," as discussed below). State governments have thus been unable to carry huge deficits from one year to...
both funded by him) was then seen as not only showing the „good way“ for the Lithuanian village (long seen as aging, alcohol-addicted, and extremely poor) but perhaps for Lithuania as a whole: a way aimed at the Lithuanian nature, hard work and traditions, with a certain amount of...
"While a statute of the state does not control the practice of the courts of the United States in criminal cases, the existence of such a provision in the laws of the state clearly indicates that the presence of a stenographer before a grand jury is not inconsistent with a due administratio...
The leading manufacturer of bump stocks, Texas-based Slide Fire Solutions, briefly stopped selling them, posting a notice on its website that it had suspended sales to keep up with demand. It has since resumed sales. Massachusetts, which has some of the nation’s strictest gun laws, enacted...