retirement and compensation issues. Member companies, with 10,000 or more workers, already typically provide paid sick leave. Rather, the committee tracks these measures primarily to make sure the laws are reasonably consistent so that big employers don't need to deal with a "patchwork" ...
From Fracking Bans To Paid Sick Leave: How States Are Overruling Local LawsDave Davies
Finally, on June 6, 2022, inSouthwest Airlines Co. v. Saxon, 142 S. Ct. 1783 (2022) (discussedhere) the U.S. Supreme Court (“SCOTUS”) held that certain ramp supervisors, who worked for Southwest Airlines, whose work frequently included assisting with the loading or unloading of baggage...
Fifteen states and the District of Columbia now have laws requiring at least some employers to provide paid sick time, according to theCenter for American Progress, a left-leaning think tank based in Washington, D.C. They are largely Democratic-controlled places. The three sick leave ballot mea...
(e.g., to serve on a jury, retrieve a sick child from day care, or attend a funeral). The U.S. government generally has allowed individual employers to decide whether to accommodate the nonwork activities of employees by granting them leave, with or ...
The amendment also requires an employer to provide every new employee with an individual copy of the employer’s earned sick and safe time policy or the employer’s substantially equivalent paid leave policy. Additionally, if an employer maintains an employee handbook, the earned sick and safe ...
Some states have also added laws on paid sick time and family leave, as the U.S. remains the only developed nation without such guarantees for its workers. That means the treatment that workers experience is increasingly determined by their state, ranging from how much they earn towhether t...
4/18/2013 - One of the reasons why our founding fathers were skeptical of big centralized government is because they believed that Americans, in essence, should be able to vote with their feet. That is, if they didn't much care for the abundance of laws and regulations in one state, th...
Paid Sick Leave Advances in Philadelphia Across the nation, the attack on workers’ rights continues to mount: in Missouri, a state senator proposedrolling back child labor lawsand reducing enforcement, while legislation to limit collective bargaining rights for public workersmoved forwardin Ohio. ...
Advocates have fought for paid leave for decades, but they’ve had more luck at the state level than at the federal level. Connecticut’s sick-day law is the oldest,passed in 2011, and three state laws since then have beenmandated by ballot measureslike those coming before voters this ...