West Virginia is the state with the highest rate of death from injuries, such as those sustained in car crashes, falls, fires and drug overdoses, while New York has the lowest rate, according to a new report. Researchers analyzed information on death rates from injuries -- both intentional ...
cities with the highest rates of homelessness have seen their homeless populations grow, though seven did have smaller homeless populations in 2023 than they did in 2020. Eight of the top 25 cities are in California, with several in Texas also making the list. These are the 25 m...
We included census tracts with non-zero population in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia, states with highest rates of opioid overdose deaths. Our outcome was minimum drive time in minutes from census tract mean center of population to the nearest dispensing facility. Results ...
We contacted treatment facilities listed in the Treatment Directory as providing both medications for OUD (MOUD) and “special programs/groups” for LGBTQ clients within states with the top 20 highest national opioid overdose rates. We used descriptive statistics to characterize the outcome of calls;...
State of Health U.S. drug overdose age-adjusted death rates 1999-2022 Recommended statistics Overview Disease deaths Other causes of death Infant deaths After deathKey insights U.S. state with the highest number of deaths Leading cause of death in the U.S. in 1900 Leading cause of death...
Their study compares the 50 states and the District in terms of 21 key metrics, ranging from arrest and overdose rates to opioid prescriptions and employee drug testing laws. The state with the lowest drug use is, Minnesota: Canva Jokes aside about it being too cold to do anything in Minnes...
Their study compares the 50 states and the District in terms of 21 key metrics, ranging from arrest and overdose rates to opioid prescriptions and employee drug testing laws. The state with the lowest drug use is, Minnesota: Canva Jokes aside about it being too cold to do anything in Minnes...
The highest point decline was observed in California at 12.6 points, compared with lowest decline of 3.5 points for Mississippi. These declines were somewhat offset by increases in the death rates associated with cirrhosis and other liver disease, neurological disorders, and mental and substance use ...
1 However, adolescents are of particular concern, with increases in social media use, anxiety, depression, and self-inflicted injuries.2 The CDC reported suicide rates in youths aged 15 to 24 years, but a more detailed analysis of the trends in this age group is needed, as well as ...
Research on the correlates of suicide has focused primarily on individual-level risk factors. Regarding demographic characteristics, middle-aged White males experience the highest suicide rates [30]. With respect to personal risk factors, suicidal behavior is more prevalent among unemployed [31,32] and...