Have gun, will travel: Groups push for states to honor concealed-carry lawsGun-rights groups have high hopes for a new bill looking to grant "national reciprocity" for Americans with concealed firearm permits, introduced just as President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office.Adam Shaw...
States that have not continued to move the ball forward have lost some serious ground while others have leapt ahead. In this year’s edition, we review several aspects of a state’s concealed carry statutes, or lack thereof, to determine which states are most friendly for those of us who ...
Shooting With Sherry...provides Shooting Lessons, Concealed Carry Courses, Workshops, always with an emphasis on safety.
concealed handgun permitsgun controlregulationDespite the expectations of many after the 2016 elections, the number of concealed handgun permits has increased for the second year in a row. In 2018, the numbSocial Science Electronic Publishing
doi:10.2139/ssrn.3004915concealed handgun permitsgun controlregulationThere are now over 16.3 million permit holders, a record 1.83 million increase in permits since last July. Nationwide, 6.5% adults have a concealed handgun perSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Related to United States Congresswoman: U.S. RepresentativeMember of Congress n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a member of the US Congress, esp of the House of Representatives Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 19...
Which states allow me to carry a concealed firearm with or without a license to carry? Which states honor my permit to carry a concealed firearm? Which states allow carry in restaurants serving alcohol? Which states’ laws allow open carry of a firearm while on foot? Which states prohibit th...
Fernley Instructors:Nevada Concealed Carry (775)229-0936 Douglas County Instructors::https://sheriff.douglascountynv.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server_16087630/File/CCW%20Application%206-29-21.pdf Non-residents:You MUST apply/renew in the county where you TRAIN, so understand there are significant delay...
Your donations also help us expose FRAUD, WASTE and ABUSE, that is ethically corrosive and financially exorbitant. Most importantly, your donations help us to keep this website FREE and INDEPENDENT, so we can continue the fight for truth, by exposing the corrupt. HALL OF SHAME VOLUME IX: ARM...
Some legal experts point to Martin’s death as a prime example of how stand-your-ground laws can be used to support racial profiling and how misguided feelings of fear and danger can quickly turn deadly when coupled with the right to carry concealed weapons. Several other high-profile cases ...