Supreme Court struck down the federal ban on benefits for legally married same-sex couples. However, the Court indicated that it was taking no position on a state's authority to forbid same-sex marriages. Lower courts have interpreted Windsor broadly and have found such bans to violate equal ...
Recent years have seen a record-breaking number of attempts to ban books. Here's how book banning emerged—and how it turned school libraries into battlegrounds.
Direct Ties to Retail Locations: Many states that have launched online betting sites have required the online component to be tethered to an in-person partner. Whether it be a local casino or horse track, there is often going to be a nearby physical location with ties to your online bookmak...
12/6/2013 - It is a fact that, legal or illegal, marijuana will always be around. Those that grow, sell and buy it will always find a way to, well, grow, sell and buy it, no matter how the government feels about the issue. The question is, do the individual states want in on ...
policies also has come with efforts to keep certain books out of school or public libraries.An Indiana lawtaking effect makes it easier for parents and others tochallenge booksin school libraries. By contrast,a new Illinois lawwould block state funding for public libraries that ban or restrict ...
Now, other states want to follow in California's footsteps but are taking it even further. They have requested that other additives and dyes like Yellow 6 and Red 40 be added just to name a few. These dyes are found in countless snacks and drinks.
"Or for someone who is queer to find a book that represents them." Robbins' favorite books to send are youth adult queer romances, a rapidly growing genre as conversations about LGBTQ+ issues have become much more mainstream than a decade ago. "The characters are just like regular kids —...
The table below provides an overview of the states and the major categories of products that are restricted or prohibited when intentionally added PFAS are present. References have been provided as there are different effective dates on the bans as well as restrictions and/or certain prohibitions....
The Georgia Tech economists neutralized non-abortion-related influences by comparing the 13 states with abortion bans to a sample of 25 states that are similar except for the lack of a ban (the researchers labeled these “abortion-protecting states”). They used...
There are a number of states that have openly discouraged drivers from operating a motor vehicle without shoes including Missouri, Utah and Virginia.While there are no official laws out there keeping you from driving a car while barefoot, there are a few instances where you could still find ...