Unit1Statesofmatter Q1:Thewordstatehaveseveralmeanings?Whatarethese?say IwanttostatethatAmericaisastate.country Americahas50states.condition provinces WhatisthestateofAmerica?It'sprosperandinternational.•Whenyoutalkaboutthestateofsomeoneorsomething,youarereferringtotheconditiontheyareinorwhattheyarelikeata...
Matter is made of atomsand molecules.物质是由原子和分子构成的。 Water, for example, is the H2O molecule. 例如,水是H2O分子。 This means that a molecule of water has 3 atoms. 这意味着一个水分子有3个原子。 A water molecule has 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.一个水分子有两个氢原子...
A Short History of the United States by:星空liang 111 50 States by Leon Tong by:Ms_Gemma郁雯老师 4474 美国历史 History of The United States by:iGlobalist 6839 【神思者】The Warring States by:KenMiya 158 Daniel Heartless - 50 States 2 Weeks-Daniel Heartless ...
懂你英语核心课程Level 3 unit 2 part 1 states of matter 猜你喜欢 2089 History of the United States by:字节空间 4243 History of the United States by:AK创客 2692 History of United States, V1 by:樱花小美女 272 30 States-Juglife Handz ...
States of Matte 既然整天不思进取,浑浑噩噩,没有半点目标可言,就不要做什么英雄式的梦,好好地甘于平庸。即要前程似锦,又要毫不费力,你咋不上天? 周五 Level3-Unit2-Part1-[1]listening:States of Matter 1. Matter is made of atoms原子 and molecules分子....
听力living statesmatter英文儿歌states听力听力dictation statesmatter高考英语states英文儿歌matter中考英语level3听力英语学习中考英语matterOf口语 (Level 3)-Day_21 The Origins of Canada and The United States 阿坑是个坑6.07万 第1451期:A matter of waste 晨听英语1.51万 unit1_lesson3 蔚然成风君15.44万 Uni...
Matter can be one of three states, solid, liquid or gas. 物质可以是三种状态之一,固态、液态或气态。Water and ice are the same substance, but they are in different states. 水和冰是同一种物质,但它们处于不同的状态。These states depend on the temperature of the ...
all matter is made of tiny particles that are in constant motion Temperature measure of an object's average kinetic energy 1st Law of Thermodynamics energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred between objects Heat the transfer of energy from hot substances to cooler ones ...
Unit 1: Matter States of Matter Mr. Le Fall 2018 Matter Matter : anything that takes up space and has mass. Mass: how much matter something has (how many atoms are used to build it) There are 4 (states, phases, forms) of matter: Solid Liquid Gas Plasma ...
Matter can be in one of three states: solid, liquid or gas. 物质可以处于三种状态之一:固体,液体或气体。 Water and ice are the same substance, but they are in different states. 水和冰是同一种物质,但它们处于不同的状态。 These states depend on the temperature of the molecules. ...