Taniguchi, YoshioHorigome, Shinkichi
A supersolid is a counterintuitive phase of matter that combines the global phase coherence of a superfluid with a crystal-like self-modulation in space. Recently, such states have been experimentally realized using dipolar quantum gases. Here we investigate the response of a dipolar supersolid to ...
Applications of photoswitchable states of matter Other than offering exquisite temporal control, photo-induced processes inherently allow for the contactless transfer of energy to substrates with spatial control. Utilizing these switchable materials, the balance between solid and fluid behavior is controlled ...
The impact of particulate matter exposures on COVID-19 outcomes have also been evaluated, with some studies centered on diesel particulate matter (DPM). In an investigation of the role of long-term exposure (2000-2016) to air pollution during the first months of the pandemic, Wu et al. [...
Peter Haas,‘Do Regimes Matter? Epistemic Communities and Mediterranean Pollution Control’, International Organization 43 (Summer 1989), pp. 377–404 Article Google Scholar For an excellent short statement of how collective meanings constitute identities, see Peter Berger, ‘Identity as a Problem in...
A Director of the Company who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which action on any Company matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless his dissent shall be entered in the Minutes of the meeting or unless he shall file his written ...
There is a negative relationship between education and religiosity and a positive relationship between education and acceptance of evolution, but how this manifests in college students who differ in degree of religiosity and prior educational experiences is unclear. We focused our study on the relative...
Notes A company that issues shares, the holders of which have the liability to contribute to the assets of the company, if any, specified in the company’s articles as attaching to those shares (in this Act referred to as a “limited company”) (Section 3 (1) (a) of “Companies Act...
In Modern Theories of Many-Particle Systems in Condensed Matter Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 843 (eds Cabra, D. C. et al.) (Springer, 2012). Andrei, E. Y. & MacDonald, A. H. Graphene bilayers with a twist. Nat. Mater. 19, 1265–1275 (2020). ADS Google Scholar ...
Author notes These authors contributed equally: Jing Guo, Yazhou Zhou, Cheng Huang. Authors and Affiliations Institute of Physics, National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Jing Guo, Yazhou Zhou, Cheng Huang, Shu Cai, Yutao Sheng, Chongli Yang,...