Southeast eastern United States,East- the region of the United States lying to the north of the Ohio River and to the east of the Mississippi River Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
As per the Census Bureau, there are four main regions with nine divisions in the United States. 1. The Northeast Region, which includes New England and the Middle Atlantic region, 2. The Midwest Region is divided into two parts: the East and the West North Central. ...
The States in the Southeast Region West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Climate in the Southeast The weather is mild and beautiful. The weather is perfect weather for the beach. It rains a ...
they went to the southeast by Alabama and Florida, going up by Georgia and the Carolinas, visiting the center by Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, and Indiana, and, after quitting the Washington station, re-entered Baltimore, where for four days one would have thought that the United States of ...
countriesinSoutheastAsia, Europe ortheUnited States. 正如剛 才幾位港同盟議員指出,香港在醫療方面的開支,以平均㆟口的本㆞生產總值計,比起很 多東南亞或歐美國家為低,就是比起新加坡的6.5%和比起南韓的4.3%,我們都是低。
Regions of the United States Southeast Region Southeast States and Capitals: Alabama Montgomery Florida Tallahassee Georgia Atlanta Kentucky Frankfort Mississippi Jackson North Carolina Raleigh South Carolina Columbia Tennessee Nashville Virginia Richmond West Virginia Charleston Louisiana Baton Rouge Arkansas Little...
摘要: More attention has been given to the Gulf coastal province of North and Central America as an Oiloil and Gasgas producing region than to any other area in the western hemisphere. This effort has been出版时间: 1975 ISBN: 978-0-4702-5145-4 被引量: 16 ...
El Nio-Southern Oscillation Impacts on Crop Production in the Southeast United States The El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) influences weather in southeastern USA in ways that impact agriculture. The predictability associated with ENSO suggests the opportunity to tailor decisions to expected climate cond...
USA SOUTHEAST Tourism Travel America United States Cities Attractions Destinations Dining Events Lodging Services Shopping
Also found in: Thesaurus, Wikipedia. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. eastern United States - the region of the United States lying to the north of the Ohio River and to the east of the Mississippi River East southeastern United States, Southeast ...