Renewable energyGeographic information systems (GIS)Spatial analysisThe United States has 121 million ha of marginal land that could be used to produce renewable energy. Approximately 1.73 million ha of this land includes federally funded brownfields, closed landfills, and abandoned mine lands. This ...
Lands & Peoples: Lands & Peoples EP Caleb Stine: Eyes So Strong and Clean Wye Oak: The Knot Pontiak: Maker White Rabbits: It's Frightening Dirty Projectors: Bitte Orca Double Dagger: MoreBuy@InSound Elvis Perkins in Dearland: Elvis Perkins in DearlandBuy@InSound Dan Deacon: BromstBuy@InSoun...
This is the day that desensitized us to pandemic crowds. We went to Silver Dollar City, and the place was packed. We started with a false sense of security on the Flooded Mine ride, which we had to ourselves. It’s a charming and nonsensical boat ride / shooting gallery through animate...
Coal mine reclamation projects are very expensive and require coordination of local and federal agencies to identify resources for the most economic way of reclaiming mined land. Location of resources for mine reclamation is a spatial problem. This article presents a methodology that allows the combin...
only a very small fraction of the entire area of the states has as yet been touched either by mining or agricultural enterprise. It is not too much to assert that the larger half of the forest-lands has never been trodden by the foot of man. (For information concerning the botany, geolo...
Resentful of encroachment on their lands and of the land purchase made by the Albany Congress (1754), the Native Americans allied themselves with the French, who were then fortifying positions in the Ohio valley (see French and Indian Wars). The frontier settlements were severely ravaged until,...
establishing the supremacy of the federal government in the industrial field, Roosevelt in 1902 also took action unprecedented in the history of the presidency by intervening on labor’s behalf to force the arbitration of a strike by theUnited Mine Workers of Americaagainst thePennsylvaniaanthracite...
between England and the new United States included the English cession of the lands south of the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes and as far west as the Mississippi River. The indigenous nations were not consulted regarding this cession, which placed those Iroquois who had been allied wi...
struck the plains with unprecedented fury in the winter of 1886–87, killing hundreds of thousands of cattle and forcing many owners into bankruptcy. Those who still had some cattle and some capital abandoned the open range, gained title to lands farther west, where they could provide shelter ...
(Berachot 5:1; translation mine) Elliot Wolfson (1996) elaborates on this “ideal of mental concentration” called kavannah, as “the setting and focusing of the mind on a fixed object and the blocking out of all distracting thoughts” (p. 140). Indeed this ideal state of concentration ...