In all centers, local guidelines exist detailing conditions when to switch treatment of a patient back to OS and spare bed capacities are reserved for this purpose. Currently SDD PCPs are offered by 77% of all cardiology centers in Austria. Of these clinics 40% are running the ambulatory ...
The St Gallen Conference endorsed in 2013 a series of recommendations on early breast cancer treatment. The main purpose of this article is to ascertain the clinical factors associated with St Gallen-2013 recommendations accomplishment. A cohort of 1152 breast cancer cases diagnosed with pathological ...
But what it is the purpose of the %LET statements? The generated macro variable are never used in the macro. And since they are not made as GLOBAL they will disappear when the macro finishes. Try just adding a %GLOBAL statement before the %IF/%THEN/%ELSE block. %global &group.s&sta...